Chapter 020|Jiang Xia Meng Chang

The cart continued on its way. The night rain beat on the carriage's canopy, pitter pattering. Except for the occasional neighing of horses, there was no sound of people in the procession. It must be that Xiao Mohe's imperial army discipline was extremely strict, even if when marching at night, the army was still strict and orderly.

After the dialogue between Xie Kangtu and Gao Shengdao, the cart fell into a long silence. Li Jing's little head simply couldn't figure out what he had encountered over the past few days. If even Hua Qingfeng was a spy from Chen State, then Gao Sheng Dao really became a loner.

However, Li Jing still couldn't figure out: if everything was managed in the hands of Xiao Mohe, he naturally should have known that Jiangzhou boat company did not have shipbuilding drawings, so why did Hua Qingfeng want to kill them all? And who instructed Yang She and the others?

Li Jing couldn't figure it out, so he simply stopped to think about it, he closed his eyes and dozed off. Just then, the carriage stopped and the door opened, a soldier with a pine oil torch shouted: "Great General has an order, you criminals get off and enter the inn."

It turned out that after travelling for four hours in the night rain, they arrived at an inn. The shopkeeper went out to welcome them and invited Xiao Mohe to enter. Li Jing and others got out of the cart and were introduced by two soldiers to the guest rooms in the backyard. Master Puzhao led the monks and stayed in the front courtyard. Li Jing still shared a room with Xie Kangtu, Alone Star, and A yue, while Gao Sheng Dao was kept in a separate room. The soldiers were on night duty in turn, guarding the room tightly, seemingly to prevent someone from rescuing them.

The night passed silently. The next day when the sky just broke dawn, Xiao Mohe and his army set out. It was still to the same as yesterday's arrangement, Li Jing and other five people rode in the same carriage. The small windows of the carriage were covered with white curtains, so it could only let in light and the scenery along the way could not be seen. However, Li Jing deduced from the sound of horses' hooves and footsteps that the group had been greatly reduced compared to yesterday to roughly three or four hundred people.

Last night the carriage travelled slowly, now it speeded up, so that the carriage was slightly bumpy, apparently travelling on the official road. During the whole day of marching, they only had two meals by the roadside. By dusk, they rested at another inn. Thus they traveled in the day and rested at night without any cutting except eating and answering the call of nature. In most of the time, Xie Kangtu and Gao Sheng Dao were sitting in repose with their eyes closed.

At dusk on the third day, they stopped. Music from drums and Se instrument sent to the cart. When the music stopped, a voice like a great bell was heard: " Wen Zhongyuan, the man of hermit, addresses my sincerest welcome to Great General Xiao!"

 Xiao Mohe said, "Zhong Yuan, my brother, You made me feel ashamed of myself. Passing by Jiangxia Mountain, I must pay my respects to you, my elder brother."

That Wen Zhongyuan said, "Your great general does not go to government offices at Ying city, but come directly to the humble hut, Zhongyuan is hereby doubly honored ..."

Li Jing was slightly surprised to hear this in the cart. He had never been south of the Yangtze, and had thought that Xiao Mohe was going to escort them to Chien-k'ang, but he had unexpectedly travelled in the opposite direction, to the Jiangxia Mountains opposite the entrance to the Han River.

Li Jing had heard from his uncle that Wu State had built a city here back then at the period of three kingdoms. This place, also known as Huanghu Mountain, was then under the jurisdiction of the State of Chen, while the other side of the river was in fact under the control of the Sui State.

As Sui State was first established, for the stability of the cities and counties along the river, the people on both sides of the river still travelled by boat as usual, and their livelihoods were not affected.

Xie Kangtu lightly touched Li Jing, "Little brother, we will have something delicious to eat soon." Li Jing was about to ask a question, when Xie Kangtu turned to Gao Sheng and said, "Mr Gao, you once asked me how the Jiangzhou Boat Company's big boats were built. If you are lucky enough tonight, you will surely know the reason."

Gao Sheng Dao was inspired: "Could it be that this Wen Zhongyuan is specialised in supervising the construction of large ships?"

Xie Kangtu did not say another word. At this time the cart door opened. Xiao Mohe laughed, "Brother Wen, today I have invited two amazing persons for you."

This said, he personally stood at the cart door to introduce them: "This one must be a long acquaintance of Brother Wen – Mr. Xie, owner of Jiangzhou boat company ; this gentleman has an even more impressive background - Zhuzuolang, son of left prime minister at Sui State, Gao Sheng Dao. " He also introduced the Master Puzhao: "This is the Master Puzhao from the western region, who is now the abbot of Guanghua Temple in Jiangzhou after my humble recommendation."

Wen Zhongyuan hurriedly saluted, "I am Wen Zhongyuan from Qingjiang Yidu, I am here to meet Mr Gao , Mr. Xie, and Master Puzhao." Li Jing noticed that he placed Gao Sheng Dao before Xie Kangtu in his address, thinking that he must be someone who respected officials and looked down upon businessmen, while the monk was out of the world and had no intention of positions. Therefore, he placed him at the very end. 

 Xiao Mohe personally untied the rope for Gao Sheng Dao and laughed, "After all the way travelling, to avoid any mishaps, I have grievanced Mr Gao, please forgive me." Gao Sheng Dao shook off his hand, and first returned Wen Zhongyuan's salute, by squeezing out a smile, "The Great General invited me to take a ride in the cart, and it is only right to add an extra safeguard."

Xie Kangtu, on the other hand, crouched on Li Jing's shoulder, arching his hand and saying, "Good day, Mr Wen!"

Master Puzhao folded his hands and bowed his head in salute.

Li Jing fixed his eyes to see, in front of him was a man more than fifty years old, wearing a black hat, a black robe. He was about six feet tall, black and red face, high nose and broad mouth, long beard and belly, at first glance he looked like the portrait of Guan Yunchang. Behind him, there was a magnificent mansion, with flying eaves and arches, along the mountain terrain staggered high and low extending away, composing of hundreds of rooms. Above the main door hung a huge plaque with golden characters: Huanghu Villa.

Wen Zhongyuan waved his hand and the drum band slowly retreated through the side door. Xiao Mohe laughed, "Brother Zhongyuan is so ostentatious, worthy of the title of 'Jiangxia Mengchang'! I want to resign and go into seclusion at your mansion for a few days of happiness."

Wen Zhongyuan owed his body and said: "Great General is joking me . I live in a place surrounded by war, every day as if I am walking on thin ice, so I have to raise some musicians to entertain myself; great general, you are of the country's pillars, and now you are promoted to Shizhong, General of the Flying Cavalry with the mission of the whole nation. Taking me compared to you, it is just as comparing fireflies to the sun ...."

"Erm ... I just found out about the matter of the promotion, Brother Zhong Yuan is so well informed." Xiao Moheo pressed his words, "After travelling for a few days, I have not dipped a drop of wine. Brother Zhong Yuan is my old friend, so I will save all those scruples and rites, please arrange a banquet for us."

"When I was informed that you general is coming, I have ordered the wine and food to be prepared, please!" Wen Zhongyuan drew his large hand out.

 Xiao Moheo ordered his soldiers to station outside the manor, and only brought Master Puzhao and eight guards wearing armor into the mountain manor.


This was the one meal that really counted as a feast for Li Jing since he left Luzhou.

Candles flickered and the large hall was as bright as day. The seats were covered by woolen carpets, the floor was polished to a high shine, and the tables were filled with rare delicacies, with steaming river fish grilled to a glistening shine, and a layer of dipping sauce smeared on the tender leg of mutton, which made Li Jing gulp straight into his mouth. Two big men carried a clay-sealed old wine in, followed by eight thin-waisted beauties who entered in style, their slender jade hands holding the glistening golden bottles. A big man slapped open the clay seal and poured wine into the golden bottle, the wine went straight into the bottle and then gently put it on the case without a drop overflowing. Although this technique could not be compared with the Wushan fisherwoman, but this big man held and poured the wine so accurately, obviously he was with strong martial arts.

 Xiao Mohe was the most honoured person so he sat at the top of the table, accompanied by Wen Zhongyuan, followed by Gao Sheng Dao, Xie Kangtu, and Master Puzhao. Li Jing was firstly arranged to be seated along with the two children, Alone Star and A Yue in the side hall, however, Xie Kangtu proposed that Li Jing to take care of him. Wen Zhongyuan agreed, so that Li Jing could sit at the end of the seat.

Li Jing did not care about the seating, besides, he was still held in control, so he had to follow the arrangement. He helped Xie Kangtu to sit down, and got up to serve wines to all. Wen Zhongyuan stopped him, "This little brother, everyone who comes here is a guest, you don't have to bother, please take your seat."

 Xiao Moheo said, "This kid is a little con man,claiming to be surnamed Mu, Master Sengcan's medicine boy, however, on top of the big boat in the Nanling River he played tricks with me and caused one of my lieutenant dead , it was really hateful ...."

Xie Kangtu interrupted: " General Xiao, how come you argue with a kid? I can testify that the little brother's name is Mu Li, indeed he is master Sengcan's medicine boy. Master helped to treat the illness of Princess of Liang, but she was not fully recovered, so he sent two medicine boy for service. The general said that there was a Chen State lieutenant missing, there must be some other reasons, the boy is only twelve or thirteen years old, how can he kill the lieutenant of Chen State?"

 Xiao Mohe was about to have a fit when Wen Zhongyuan lifted his golden cup and smiled, "Great General, you and all others are honorable guests here in my humble abode, it's a great honour to have you with me. I have prepared a little wine, so please fill up the wine and enjoy drink to your heart's content, and then we can talk freely." The crowd raised their bottles one after another. Li Jing and Puzhao, who could not drink wine, used water as a substitute, followed suit.

After three rounds of wine and all the enjoyable dishes, Wen Zhongyuan said: "We are honoured to meet today.


The matter of the Great General, Mr Gao and Boat Owner Xie is within the duties of the Great General, so I am not in a position to ask about it. Since you have come to my place, can you please give me a few favours, and don't spoil the fun of the drink by getting into a tussle? After you leave this manor, I will not ask any questions."

 Xiao Mohe laughed: "Brother Zhongyuan is over-concerned. In fact, , if not for the royal orders, it would be a blessing for me to make friends with Mr. Gao or Mr. Xie. Please don't worry, I have ordered my army to set up camps outside the manor, and will never disturb your residence."

Gao Sheng Dao raised his up in respect and sighed: "I came all the way down south to scout, but I never expected to be captured when things got out, so I'm convinced.

When two countries are in conflict, friends and foes are clearly distinguished. I understand that even if General Xiao intends to let me go, Chen State will not agree. Therefore, you can deal with me in any way you see fit. Tonight, I can drink a golden cup of wine, even though I die, I have no regrets!" He said and drank it all.

 Xiao Mohe frowned, ''Don't worry, Mr Gao, even if the emperor wants to spare you, I will not stop killing you. I'm not talented, but the previous repeated defeats of the Northern Qi army were all open battles, not through plots and tricks. Mr Gao's cultivation of spies to infiltrate into Chen State has violated my principle, and you will never be spared!"

Wen Zhongyuan said with a big laugh:"Since Mr Gao has no way to live, he might as well drink a few more cups. Mr. Xie, could it be that you are also involved in military affairs, resulting in half of your body being disabled?"

"My reply to Mr. Wen, just the opposite." Xie Kangtu shook his head helplessly, "These two legs of mine were chopped by the Sui army." He briefly explained how it happened. Xiao Mohe waited for him to finish and added his reasons, then he raised his cup and said, "Mr. Xie's business in the territory of Chen has always been in compliance with laws, and your cooperation with brother Zhong Yuan has always been smooth, but the only thing is that you deceived the imperial court and harboured a criminal, so you can't be exempted."

Xie Kangtu drank the wine in his cup and said miserably, "It is difficult for me to return to my home, or find refuge in any country. The Sui State killed my brothers and chopped off my legs; the Chen State destroyed my ships and killed my brothers. The world is so big, there is no place for me to stay, and even less hope for survival,It would be better for General Xiao to kill me with one sword."

Wen Zhongyuan stroked his beard and listened quietly, then suddenly slammed his wine cup onto the table and said with a straight face, "What happened to Mr. Xie' has chilled me. I am also a man of cloth, making a living by building merchant ships, maybe one day I will also be caught and have my head chopped off by a random offence."

 Xiao Mohe said with a forced smile: ''Brother Zhongyuan has overstated! Your career is spread along the Yangtze river at the critical ports of Chen, Liang, Sui states, not to mention the whole State of Chen rely on you very much, even the Sui State, Liang State all admire you as a man of importance. Although you jested about being an ordinary man, the Wen family of Qingjiang possesses a profound heritage.the previous dynasty of Liang, Wei, Qi, all have Wen's people to serve the country, Along the river, prestigious families look up to the Wen family as their leader.Other people may not know, I am quite clear - brother, although you have no military power, but if you raise your arm, ten thousand people will respond you, in ten days you can convene tens of thousands of people s, How can Mr. Xie compare with you?"

Wen Zhongyuan's face sank: "Does General Xiao suspect me of having a conspiring mind? My Wen family descends from Wen Weng, the Governor of Shu County in the Western Han Dynasty (Note: China's first one to run official education institute in history). My ancestor Wen Weng advocated education and was dedicated to running schools, although we had many students, after hundreds of years no one ever was involved in any act of insubordination.

 Although some of my ancestors worked for the government, but at chaotic times they avoided the world by fishing and farming to protect themselves, and don't intervene with the military and political.

General says that I can gather tens of thousands of people, and indeed this is true. However, it's not for rebellion, but for self-defense: "If anyone seeks to annihilate my clan, be them nobles or bandits, we will certainly be met with tooth for tooth, blood for blood.

Upon hearing Wen Zhongyuan's speech with such decisive certainty, Li Jing greatly admired him. Han Qinhu had once told him about the general situation of the world, but he had never mentioned Wen Zhongyuan. From what Wen Zhongyuan said just now, the strength of the Wen family was not to be underestimated, no wonder Xiao Mohe was courteous to him.

Gao Sheng Dao suddenly interjected, "May I ask Mr. Wen, It is said that the famous general Wang Jun in Western Jin passed down the 'Wang's shipbuilding drawings', and later the Wang's clan declined in the Jingxiang area, whereas the Wen family was a prosperous clan along the river, so I wonder if this drawings are in the hands of the Wen family?"

Wen Zhongyuan was taken aback, then his face was calm: "Wang Jun's surname is Wang, my family name is Wen, how could the Wang family give their Ship Building drawings to the Wen family? Speaking of building ships, it's simply a matter of adapting to local conditions, along the river farmers and elders can make a living by this, for the Southerners it is not unusual at all."

 Xiao Mohe lifted the fine wine poured by a beauty: ''I hope that Brother Zhongyuan will forgive me for my slip of the tongue just now.

As for what Mr. Gao said about the shipbuilding drawings, I'm afraid it's just a rumour. Chen State is located in the south of the Yangtze river. As the water system is complicated, our traffic all rely on boats. from the old man, down to the children, all are proficient in riding boats, so there is the saying that boats in south is the same as hoses in north.

I know that Mr Gao want to get shipbuilding drawings, you intend to build ships to attack the State of Chen, but even if you succeed in shipbuilding, how can you use them? When Cao Mengde bound boats at a length of hundred miles, the people from north can not control them, so in the battle of Chibi , Cao's army was destroyed, how incisive was the lesson? s"

Xie Kangtu let out a long sigh: ''At that time in the Jiangzhou Boat company, I tried my best to explain, but Mr Gao just didn't believe me. Imagine that the state of Chen is based on boats and ships, how would it let a rare shipbuilding drawings fall into the hands of civil people? Today, as Mr Wen here, even though I may die, I have to make it clear: all the boats in my Jiangzhou Boat Company are built by Mr. Wen 's three major shipyards in Qingjiang, Lushan, and Jiangdu, and I know neither the method of shipbuilding nor any drawings."

Wen Zhongyuan said: ''The Great General commanded the Great Chen soldiers and horses, and he knows best: the ships built by me are all civilian ships, not warships. Chen State has an order: anyone who builds warships privately will be killed by nine clans. I am a subject of Great Chen, and would never dare to do anything that would cause treason and extermination of my family."

 Xiao Mohe waved his hand, "Enough said. As agreed, let's not argue about right and wrong; drinking is more important." So all the people frequently raise their cups to drink. Mater Puzhao was always a man of few words, he accompanied those guests. he only drank water, not take any meat, not even moved his chopsticks a bit.

Wen Zhongyuan saw that the atmosphere was a little better and asked Xiao Mohe with a smile, "There is one thing that Wen is puzzled about. Since the Great General has already detained Mr Gao and Mr. Xie, you should have gone east, why did you go west instead?"

 Xiao Mohe said, "They can't get away anyway. It won't be too late to escort them back to Chien-k'ang when I have completed my mission."

Wen Zhongyuan said, "What is mission? Of course, if it concerns the State's secrets, you can just ignore my nonsense question."

 Xiao Mohe said, "It's not exactly confidential, but it's related to Brother Zhong Yuan - this trip to the west, we need your help to complete the mission."

Wen Zhongyuan was stunned. It was at this moment that the door to the hall was pushed open and a young gentleman barged in, exclaiming, "Father, I have caught the Sui spies!" 

Li Jing turned back to look, it was a man of twenty years old, body length of six feet, a white dress, gold crown, face white and red, sword eyebrow, tiger eyes, four square broad mouth, waist hanging sword, stride into the hall. May he just got out of the water, his white clothes were wet and close to the whole body, constantly dripping turbid water.

"Hong, my son, why are you panicking?" Wen Zhongyuan shouted in a deep voice, "Can't you see that Great General Xiao is here? Hurry over and pay your respects!"The young man stopped his steps, restrained his face and saluted, "Nephew Wen Shihong, respects to Uncle Xiao."

 Xiao Mohe got up, walked over and patted his shoulder, laughing loudly, "It has been two years not seeing you, you have become more and more heroic!" The look was very cordial.

Wen Zhongyuan seemed to be extremely fond of his son, and also got up and scolded him with a smile, "Look at you, you are always reckless. Speak out, who have you captured?"

Wen Shihong said, "This spy and his party of four went around prying for information, when I discovered, I chiselled and sank the ship, and went into the water and captured them."

"Where is the person?" Wen Zhongyuan asked.

"Bring him in!" Wen Shi Hong bellowed.

Immediately, the door to the hall opened wide, and four black-clad strong men, escorting four people, entered the hall.

Li Jing took one look and his heart popped out of his throat.

These four people were none other than Xiao Meniang, Zhang Ke, Lai Huer and Qing Ni.