Chapter 027|Star Pool Pledge  

Countless thoughts flashed through Li Jing's mind. In the end, he decided to say it.

"I also know that his name is not Prince Yi Huang, his name is Yang Guang, he is the second son of the Emperor of Sui, and he was ordained as the King of Jin." His voice sounded both despondent and forlorn, "In fact, when I saw General Lai at the Jiangxia Villa, I knew that my sister had met him again later. No, it's not meeting, it's that he was already waiting for you and sent General Lai to come and escort you only. General Lai is under him, naturally listen to him. You all the way ... all the way to do what, I do not know, but he got off the boat in the middle of the way, let you try to get to Jiangxia Honghu Villa, is to help him look for Wang's shipbuilding atlas. In fact, carefully think about it to understand, Wen Shi Hong skill although big, how can overcome to General? With the watery nature of the prince's maternal uncle and Sister, would Wen Shi Hong be able to catch you underwater?"

Xiao Meiniang neither objected nor acknowledged his analysis. She asked, "What does he want with the shipbuilding atlas?"

"He wants to build up his achievements." Li Jing said, "He is the second prince, not the crown prince, and he needs to establish a tremendous achievement to have a chance of persuading the emperor to depose the elder heir in favor of a younger one. At present, the King of Jin can only lay the foundation for challenging the crown prince by taking control of the naval forces and pacifying the state of Chen."

Xiao Meiniang looked at him, "At your young age, how do you know all this?"

Li Jing said, "Gan Luo was twelve as an envoy, and Zhou Yu was nine years old when he marched his soldiers. Does sister really regard me as a child?"

Xiao Meiniang gently bumped him, ''I have never treated you as a child.

Brother, when you killed the water bandits on the ship in Nan Chao, I took you to be a man. Sister knows that your surname is Li Jing, but it is not good to ask you about your family history. "

Li Jing said, "In front of sister, I will never hide anything." So he told Xiao Meiniang about his life and protecting the Alone Star.

Xiao Meiniang heard this and her brows knitted, "You trust me so much, in case I leak the news, you and that little brother's lives will be in danger, how is it going to be?"

Li Jing said: ''In fact, all the way, the Prince and the King of Jin have known my little brother's secret, perhaps to capture back to Chang'an, perhaps to kill to end the future trouble - Xie boat owner's leg, it is also their doing. However, Little Brother has been saved by the Wushan Lady, and his life is not in danger for the time being. General Lai hinted to me on the night after the fire of the great ship that he had known it,he just admonished me to abide by our agreement before he kept it confidential without saying anything ..."

Mei Niang wondered, "What is the agreement?"

Li Jing shook his head, "As it is an agreement, I cannot say."

Mei Niang pondered for a long time and said, "Sister probably understands. General Lai is telling you to stay away from me, right?"

Li Jing didn't say anything.

Mei Niang remained silent for a while before saying, 'That Prince Jin... Jin Wang, does indeed have a fondness for my sister, but it can only be considered as such. I this princess, you also see, in fact, is the village girl fisherwoman who is disliked by her parents.The royal system, always strict,in matters of marriage, it is essential to calculate the Bazi, the eight characters of birth time. I do not hide from my brother, the year before last, Jiangling governor's son had proposed marriage to my father, but as soon as they calculated my birth time, they immediately gave up; he would rather be demoted and ask for punishment..."

Li Jing said, "Perhaps it's possible that King Jin doesn't believe in all this."

Mei Niang shook her head and said: "Not just in the royal family, even commoners must consider the Bazi, the eight characters of birth time, in matters of marriage, otherwise why is there 'ask name' 'Naji' in the in-laws? Ask the name is to ask the birthdate, Naji is divining good fortune. These two passes do not, ordinary people can not be married, let alone the royal family?"

Li Jing lfting his head, said: "I don't believe in these. If I like someone, even if her existence will lead to my death the next day, I still want to treat her well for that day!"

Tears suddenly welled up in Mei Niang's eyes, she threw away her fishing rod and hugged Li Jing, pressing his head against her heaving chest. Li Jing instantly felt short of breath and could hear her heart bouncing violently like a deer.

During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, women married at an earlier age. Dugu Jaluo was fourteen years old when she married Yang Jian. Chen Shubao's favourite concubine Zhang Lihua was ten years old when she entered the palace. Xiao Meiniang was already an older woman in that era, her physical development had already matured, and it was the time when her emotions were overflowing. In addition to the usual lack of love, in this case, naturally some can not hold.

Suddenly, the rod moved. Mei Niang let go of Li Jing, reached for the rod, and flung it with all her might, only to see a small silver fish fall to the sand. Li Jing grabbed a few steps forward and caught the fish. The fish was almost transparent, cold and struggling. Li Jing brought it to Mei Niang, who took it and walked towards the white stone pile, holding the fish in one hand and climbing over it with the other. Not long after, then return the same way.

Li Jing said, "Sister, where is the fish?"

Mei Niang put away her fishing rod and said leisurely, "I put it in the stream. It was trapped in the pool, blocked by these white stones, unable to perceive the outside world. If I let it go, it may still be eaten, but it may also be free to roam the rivers and lakes ..."

Li Jing's heart stirred as he asked, "Could it be that Sister used to fish here and release her fish in the same way?"

"The fish was originally born in this pool, what is the point of releasing it?" Mei Niang looked into the distance, "It's just that it's trapped in this deep, cold pool, and although it can survive, it can't get out by itself alone."

Li Jing listened to her words, seemed to be lamenting their own fate, then said: "Sister by the Sengcan master treatment, is not the internal organs of the cold has been dispelled?"

Mei Niang said, "But can I get out of this cold pool?"

Li Jing said, "Sister, although Liang is small and the emperor is somewhat prejudiced against sister, but Jiangling has a pleasant climate, so what's wrong with living here in peace?"

Mei Niang sighed: "Brother, sometimes you are smart, but sometimes you are extremely confused. The world is at a time of change, once Sui and Chen go to war, no matter who wins or loses,Jiangling faces the worry of being instantly reduced to dust. At that time, all of Liang's peple may become slaves. This has been the case throughout the ages!"

Li Jing said, "Does sister have a plan to deal with this?"

Mei Niang said, "Sister is a woman and an ominous body, what can be done? Unless someone fishes me out of the pool and puts me into the river and lake ..."

It couldn't be more obvious - if you want me to avoid such danger, then rescue me from here.

Li Jing looked into her eyes, "Sister has saved my life, and I don't believe in the unlucky birthdays at all. If sister does not abandon me, I would like to be with sister and never be separated again for eternity!"

This was said with sincerity. Xiao Meiniang took his hand, excited tears glistened in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Sister knows your heart, however, the San Yuan Li family is also a prestigious family, can it tolerate an unlucky person like me?"

Li Jing hugged her, tears dripping from his eyes onto the ends of her hair. Although he was only twelve years old, he was the same height as an adult man, and was still half a head taller than Mei Niang. After a long time, he patted Mei Niang's arm and comforted her, "There are six brothers in my family, and I have been with my uncle since I was a child, and even though my parents are strict, they are quite understanding.

If they do not allow, I will go far away with you ... However, my sister has a distinguished status and a beauty that could topple nations, I am worried that it might be unfair to my sister ..."

Mei Niang sobbed: "Brother, don't talk about the golden branch, as long as you don't dislike me, I will follow you! If your family won't accept me, I'd like to live with you in a place outside the Utopia. Since I was a child, I've learnt how to farm, hunt and fish, weave and embroider, so we don't have to rely on others to make a living.

My father disliked me and wanted to kill me when Xiao Mohe refused to let me become the Crown Princess of Chen; although my uncle loved me, he had a grudge against my aunt's untimely death; although Qing Ni was attached to me, she sometimes showed her dissatisfaction. Only you, when we met you truly love me and cherish me, how can my sister not notice? Brother, you are only twelve years old, sister can wait for you, wait for you to grow up, wait for you to become a real man. I would like to spend my whole life loving you and never letting you down!"

These words seemed to have been hidden in her heart for a long time, she said this without the slightest pause.Li Jing's heart was like a blazing fire at this moment, seeming to turn itself into ashes. This was the first time in his life that he had tasted what it was like to be loved by the person he loved, intoxicating, aching, and burning ... He is still unaware that this is the real reaction when a young person first experiences the awakening of romantic feelings. This reaction can make a person lose his mind and be willing to give everything for it, and even give his life.

He liked Mei Niang, loved Mei Niang, infatuated with Mei Niang, can not say why, perhaps it's destiny in life, or maybe it's a longing in one's nature to receive maternal care. Until now he realised that since he met Mei Niang out of Luzhou, his heart has long been captured by her, even in the most critical juncture, he is not thinking of his own safety and security but Mei Niang's safety. After the ship caught fire, his first thought was actually not Alone Star but Mei Niang, so he tried desperately to come back to save her, but ended up being saved by her instead. At times, he had been ashamed of this decision; after all, his uncle had entrusted Alone Star to him, and he had to fulfil his mission. However, when he stayed at Hearing Wind Herb Hall, he was surprisingly afraid of Xie Kangtu's early completion of the shipbuilding atlas!

Li Jing was tormented by his own complex mind to sleep and eat, excitement, shame, apprehension, anxiety, like a mass of hemp tangled in the heart. But if he is allowed to choose, he is willing to accompany Mei Niang, see her knitted brows and smile, see her sweeping fishing, see her pen like the wind, see her pouting and playful.

Previously, he was most afraid of the King of Jin seizing his love by force, as the King had specially dispatched laiHuer a skilled protector for the Meiniang. Now, this protector has gone to pursue Hua Qingfeng ... Why is Lai Huer tracking Hua Qingfeng? Is Hua Qingfeng more important than Xiao Meiniang? If so, then Meiniang is not the most important person in King Jin's heart, while Meiniang is the only one in his own heart, a magnet for emotions, the whole world!

Li Jing's heart surged at the thought. Mei Niang is so smart - since the Chen Kingdom is in desperate need of the Liang Alliance has categorically refused to allow the Crown Prince to take Mei Niang as his consort, Could the mighty Sui Dynasty really marry Mei Niang and bring disaster upon itself? And he will never fail Mei Niang, even if his father and uncle do not agree to this marriage, even if Mei Niang will bring him disaster, he will never back out!

Xiao Meiniang is a conflicted person. After sixteen years of miserable life without the love she wanted - father's love, mother's love and the respect she should have received, Zhang Ke's love could not replace her father, and her uncle just took pity on her and adopted her, but could not give her the future she wanted.She's fed up with her life as a peasant woman, with the taunts and stares of others, and she's going to change her fate, no matter what the cost!

 Li Jing is a talented and handsome young man from a Guanzhong family, a righteous man with a good heart, and you can read the obsession and love in his eyes. Indeed, compared to Li Jing, the King of Jin better fits her ideals - a prince of a great country, handsome and dashing, with a promising future.However, he is cunning and deep-minded, not like Li Jing whose soul is clearer than water. Xiao Meiniang is already sixteen years old, she is more perceptive than those women still in the boudoir, and she knows more about what is scarce in this cruel world, that is, pure love and dedication to sacrifice.

A woman's intuition tells her that King Jin likes himself, but this teenage prince with a very deep city may be able to bring her glory, but will he really see her as the only love in the world? She could not be sure. Earlier, she was hesitant, of course she preferred to have supreme power, to be the "Queen of the Kingdom" as Master Sangchan said. But after all, those were just the words of a high priest.

Under the escort of Lai Huer, she did meet the King of Jin again, but he was no longer mean to her, but loving and caring, but then asked her to do something for him, to try to find Wen Zhongyuan and Xie Kangtu, and then get the shipbuilding atlas for conquering the Southern Chen. Mei Niang hinted several times to Yang Guang to marry her, but the King of Jin, who places national affairs first, made no promises, only urging her to act quickly. He was also extremely cold towards her uncle, causing her to feel a subtle displeasure in her heart, yet she had no choice but to comply.

After returning to Jiangling, she wanted to ease her relationship with her father and let him love her again.

However, Xiao Kui took out his anger on her after his proposal of marriage to Xiao Mohe was rejected. From that moment on, she realised that it would be as someone whom even her father despises and would never consider her life and death, expecting the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty to approve her marriage to Chang'an is nothing but a fool's dream!

Besides, once the King of Jin knows that she is a scourge, he won't truly favour her. Not to mention the princes of the big countries, which of his brothers don't have three wives and four concubines? Would she be willing to share a man's love with other women? Perhaps others could, but her strong personality from childhood would never allow it. After thinking it over, she decided to choose Li Jing. This young man was imposing, with an extraordinary demeanour, currently without an official position, but in the future, he would certainly have a successful career. Even if he can not hold an official position, with his skills and my hard work, we can live like immortals ...

The two hugged each other tightly, each thinking of their own thoughts, until the sun was blocked by dark clouds and the sky became dim, and they slowly parted.

Xiao Meiniang picked up her fishing rod, straightened her clothes, and said, "I'm afraid it's going to rain. Let's hurry up and catch a few fish and go back to cook."

Li Jing was no longer interested in fishing at this time, and he was still immersed in the wonderful experience that he had just experienced, which was both real and unreal. He said, "I don't want to leave my sister for even a moment, so , you must keep your word."

Mei Niang said, "What will it take for you to believe?"

Li Jing said, "I want to make a vow with my sister by this pool of water."

Meiniang softly said, "Okay, I will speak first." So she knelt on the white grains of sand, folded her hands together, closed her eyes tightly, and fell down in obeisance, reciting under her breath, "The heavens are above, and the sacred pool bears witness-- Xiao Meiniang of Jiangling is willing to become the wife of Li Jing of Sanyuan. Through thick and thin, till the seas dry and rocks crumble, my heart will not change! If I break this oath, let me wander alone and live in solitude for the rest of my life!"

Li Jing heard it and burst into tears. At that time, if a woman was left alone for the rest of her life, it would be worse than death. If Mei Niang were to marry the King of Jin, she would live in the palace and be well fed and clothed, and her children and grandchildren would be prosperous, so how could she grow old alone? It seems she is determined to marry herself.

So he joined his hands and bowed down, following Mei Niang's tone of voice and recited, "Heaven is above, and the sacred pool bears witness - I'm, Li Jing of San Yuan, is willing to take Xiao Mei Niang of Jiangling as his wife. I will never change my mind! If I break this oath, If I break this oath, let me drift through life and die with resentment!"

"Dying with resentment' is even more cruel than 'living in solitude for the rest of life". At that time, men to build a career, die in the battlefield or die in office are enjoying the honour of serving the country, only "drink hate and die" is an imperfect life, than the common people swear to use the words "heaven is sick of it, earth is sick of it" is more vicious. Xiao Meiniang raised her tear-stained face and looked at the young man who had grown up in a flash, her heart was both sour and sweet.

After the oath was completed, they agreed: Mei Niang continued to live in Jiangling, Li Jing first went up to Wushan to pick up Alone Star and send it to Shu, then went back to Jiangling to visit Mei Niang, and then travelled east by boat to return to Luzhou to report to Han Qinhu, and asked his uncle to send a matchmaker to propose marriage. To ensure a smooth marriage, Li Jing suggested that Mei Niang change her February birth date to March. As long as Zhang Ke confirmed it, Han Qinhu and the Li family in Sanyuan were thousands of miles away from each other and could not investigate deeply. At that time, marrying Meiniang and bringing her back to the Li residence in Sanyuan, with the deed already done, would the open-minded Li family still refuse to accept Meiniang because of an inauspicious birthdate? Even if they don't accept her, Li Jing is determined to marry Meiniang, even if it means being driven out of the family.

Li Jing is a person whose heart is as firm as iron, although he never disobeyed his parents, uncle, and even the words of his elder brother and second brother, but once he decided on something, he would never change it.

The sky was getting darker and darker. Mei Niang flung her fishing rod and a fat fish landed on the ground. Suddenly a fierce wind blew, a few lightning bolts jumped out of the blackened clouds, two thunderbolts rang out, and heavy rain fell straight from the sky.

Li Jing picked up the fish, pulled Mei Niang up the rock pile, and ran furiously all the way down the mountain.