Chapter 031|A Thousand Years of Child Prodigy

At dusk, Gu Musheng led the Li Jing brothers to the of Baidi City.

Baidi City, also known as Yong'an, has long been a monument, and is now the seat of Xinzhou, the capital of the Sui Dynasty (now Fengjie County, Chongqing). Xinzhou surrounded by water on three sides, backed by high gorges, located in the land and water, the Three Gorges gateway. In the pale twilight, the riverside spell even a piece of boats, some are docked, some are under construction, more are into the dock to repair. Sail masts, walking barge, a busy scene.

Gu Musheng asked an old man on the boat platform who was preparing to call it a day. The old man wiped the sweat off his face and pointed to an old boat with black smoke coming out of it and said, "Shuisheng is up there, burning a fire and trying to roast himself."

Although Li Jing could understand the Sichuan accent, he did not immediately grasp its meaning.

Gu Musheng stepped on the board and went up to the old ship, and saw that there was a large copper basin in the cabin, with charcoal burning brightly in the basin. A young man naked, really put his arms, chest and back, change parts of the barbecue. Under the firelight, the naked upper body muscle bulge, plus oil sweat straight flow, really like roasted sheep sizzling meat in general.

Upon approaching closer, Li Jing finally saw that this person was covered in red swellings, with herpes of different sizes on his skin that seemed about to explode under the heat of the fire. Gu Musheng put down Lone Star and called out "Shuisheng". The youth turned around. Li Jing saw that he was as tall as Gu Musheng, with a similar face but a much stronger body, and an ebony birthmark on his forehead that looked like a melted five-baht coin.

That person was naturally Gu Musheng's twin brother, Gu Shuisheng. He grinned when he saw his brother, but that grin was worse than crying. He greeted his elder brother and the Li Jing brothers as they sat by the fire pit, while reaching out to scratch the lumps on his body. Gu Musheng shook his head and said, "It's like this every year, I don't know how many skins you have!" With that, he introduced Brother Li Jing.

That Gu Shuisheng simple and honest, although all over the body and itchy and painful, still met the salute, said: "Do you come here, elder brother, having made up your mind to join me in building the ships?"

Gu Musheng shook his head, "Although the master may punish me for my mistakes, serving the master should be my foremost duty. My younger brother likes to be a shipwright, my humble brother does not stop me, and you don't have to force my humble brother."

Gu Shuisheng shook his head and sighed, "Fighting and killing, not only do not earn money, but also have danger, why bitter!I am building ships here and earning a daily wage. Once I have saved enough money, I can buy land, build a house, marry, and have children." As he spoke, he scratched the lumps on his body, which were drenched in blood.

Lone Star suddenly said, "Brother, can you find the honey?"

Gu Shuisheng said, "The boatman has many brothers, so he may be able to find it." So he roared, and a boatman entered the cabin. After Gu Shuisheng's command, the boatman went out of the cabin to look for honey.

Gu Musheng thought Lone Star was childish and wanted to eat honey. Unexpectedly, Lone Star said: "Lacquer tree easily harmful to the human body. I was once harmed by lacquer tree sap on Mount Taibai. My lips, fingers, arms, and neck were all swollen and red. It was only after Grandfather Ouyang applied honey that the rash subsided."

Li Jing couldn't help but wonder. Lone Star was only four years old, even if he remembered the honey when Ouyang Xinde cured his lacquer allergy symptoms, how could he even remember the name of "spotted rash", which was not even clear to ordinary people? He asked: "How does my younger brother know the name of the spotted rash?"

Lone Star shook his little head: "Spotted rash is a symptom rather than a disease name.

Spot covered in skin, red, purple, green and black and other colors, pass away without moulting, evil and vesicles; rash such as corn or copper, protruding from the skin, support the touch, also red, purple, green and black and other colors, pass away after moulting, do not lead to vesicles. This situation, or because of the exposure of evil, heat and toxicity of the deep; or for the external poison invasion, radical stabbing skin. Shuisheng brother went to the mountains to pick lacquer, by the lacquer infringement and this rash, only pure honey coated, can clear the heat and detoxification, eliminate the pain."

Gu Musheng listened with his mouth wide open. Earlier, he had doubly appreciated the wisdom of the young Li Jing, but he hadn't expected this four-year-old child to be even more impressive. He squatted down and asked, "Little brother, are you a human or a god? So young, but you know so much!"

Lone Star shook his head once again, "I've only heard Grandfather Ouyang talk about it once."

Li Jing's brain flashed and read alone: "In all battles, the number of people to see its change, advance and retreat to see its solidity, dangerous to see its fear, quiet to see its idleness, moving to see its suspicion, and attacking to see its rule. To fight their doubts, add their pawns, cause them to bend, and attack their rules. Because of their inability to avoid, block their plans, take away their considerations, and multiply their fears ..."

After Li Jing finished reciting, he said to Lone Star, "Brother, repeat the sentence I just recited."

Without thinking, Lone Star blurted out the words, and they were actually word for word!

Confused Gu Musheng asked Li Jing, "Brother, what scripture are you reciting?"

Li Jing said, "This is the essence of military strategy from 'The Art of War by Sima.' When I was ten, my uncle made me memorize this part, and it took me two hours, but I didn't expect Xiaoxing to listen to it just once and be able to tell the difference ..."

Gu Shuisheng stopped scratching and said, "Tung oil, cypress oil, raw lacquer, silk and hemp ... mainsail, foremast, rigging, bow, keel, oarposts ... beam square nan acacia camphor elm chinking, rudder pole elm hammered kozo iron pear, scull stack cedar tulip hinoki iron hoops ... Little brother, recite it exactly as it is."

Li Jing traveled all the way, listening to Xie Kangtu, Wen Zhongyuan and other number of people mentioned the boat, know that this is Gu Shuisheng memorized his "shipbuilding scripture". However, even if it is a twin brother, Gu Shuisheng is also like listening to heavenly books. Moreover, Lone Star was born in Guanzhong, speaking Guanzhong dialect; Gu Shuisheng a mouthful of Sichuan accent, the pronunciation of some words is completely different. Lone Star is young, even if parroting the tongue, it is still difficult.

However, Lone Star unexpectedly did not miss a single word and read them all correctly, and they were all in Sichuan accent. The Gu brothers looked at each other, both extremely surprised.

At that moment, the boatman fetched honey. Lone Star told Gu Shuisheng to squat down, opened the clay pot, picked out the honey with his fingers and applied it to Gu Shuisheng's affected area. Gu Shuisheng stopped scratching and sat down in the cabin to enjoy the coolness.

Not long after, Gu Shuisheng limb swelling, pain disappears, although not completely recovered, but no longer in the way. He laughed and asked the boatman to prepare a meal. The Sichuan River fish is beautiful, this night Li Jing brothers feasted and talked to each other.

Gu Shuisheng said, "Brother Xiaoxing is so smart, why don't you learn shipwrighting from me, and you'll be able to learn it right away. Once you're over twelve, you can start working on the ship; by fifteen, you can become a junior technician like me; and by the age of twenty at the latest, you can become a senior technician."

Gu Musheng, aware of the Lone Star's background, knew he must not reveal it, even to a close brother. He said, "Since my brother is engrossed in shipbuilding, I, as your foolish elder brother, will follow you. But there are many trades in the world, and not every smart person must become a shipbuilder"

"At least I'm smart." Gu Shuisheng grinned widely. "I heard that the Great Sui is preparing to build ships in Xinzhou. This is a good place to build big ships, there are good wood, oil hemp, raw lacquer and other necessary materials in the mountains, and there are currently over five hundred technicians above the junior level. Big brother, wielding swords and knives to kill is not good. It's better to honestly work and earn money."

Gu Musheng ignored him and led Li Jing out of the cabin, stuffed him with five gold leaves and a packet of five baht coins, and said, "I can only send you here. Tomorrow Shuisheng will arrange for you to go to the boat at Wanchuan. This money is what the master asked me to pass on; after you two brothers have rested a little when you arrive in Wanchuan, you can hire a cart or ride a horse and go straight to Chengdu by land."

Li Jing was touched for a while, thanked him, and asked in a low voice: "That Hua Qingfeng, Lai Gu'er and so on, will they track ... down?"

Gu Musheng said, "You should ask Xing about this matter."

Li Jing didn't listen.

Gu Musheng said, "Since Xiao Xing went over Wushan Mountain, he suddenly became articulate, what is the reason for that?"

Li Jing couldn't think of anything.

Gu Musheng patted him on the shoulder, "I brought Xiaoxing all the way, even though he was still scared when he arrived at Wushan Mountain, it is he who is born with the ability of enlightenment. This ability is like a mole cricket, snake or insect sensing natural changes and moving to avoid danger, also like apes, foxes, eagles and dogs with an innate keen sense of smell and insight. Along the way, the power to threaten Starlet has always existed, but I chose to walk from above the Wushan Mountain instead of entering the river from the riverside avenue, the trackers will have no way to find out, and will not think that you brothers are going to Chengdu. So when Little Star arrived here, that invisible threat disappeared and he naturally regained his intelligence and became articulate."

Li Jing realized that he was extremely careless in observing things after he was enlightened by him, and he was ashamed in his heart. Remembering that Gu Musheng had treated them like brothers, he couldn't help but feel his eyes watering.




That night, the Li Jing brothers rested in the cabin. When they woke up, the day had already dawned, and Gu Musheng was no longer in the cabin. Gu Shuisheng said, "Elder brother had already left at midnight and instructed me to send the two brothers to the ship."

Li Jing took Lone Star with him and followed Gu Shuisheng onto a fast boat with a sharp bow. When they arrived at the hatch, Gu Shuisheng said, "I don't know what you two brothers are doing in Shuzhong, so I'm not in a position to ask, but I hope you'll come back to me when you've finished your work. I rely on my craft to eat, although not much money and food, but livelihood without worry." Then he took a bag of five baht and stuffed it into Li Jing's bag.

Li Jing thanked and entered the cabin. The cabin was filled with artisans and merchants who spoke in the Sichuan dialect. The Li Jing brothers sat quietly by the hatch. The passengers didn't care that they were two children.

A merchant-like man said, "I heard that Xinzhou is going to conscript a large number of people, and Chang'an is going to send their princes."

Another old man said, "Who cares if it's Zhou or Sui, the people are still laboring all day long? Look at this wind direction, the court is going to start a war against Chen, and there will be no peace on the river."

The merchant laughed and said, "If war breaks out, the prices of timber, rice, iron, tung oil, cotton, and linen will all rise. Wouldn't you, elder brother, also make a fortune then?"

The old man sighed: "Although we can make some small fortune, but who is not born and raised by parents? Going to war is not a child's play, people will die. How many orphans and widows will have a harder time when the war starts? I think it's better not to fight this war."

The merchant said, "In ancient times, wars were frequent, and not the people could control them. We'd better try to make a profit, or subsidize the poor."

Next, they discussed how to stockpile food supplies. Li Jing listened and was deeply touched. It turns out that in times of war, aside from manpower, resources are most needed. Ordinary people contribute labor and money to serve the country, but they risk losing both. Perhaps only merchants can seek profit in such times. Thinking of the emperor and generals sitting comfortably in the Imperial City, the civilian population blood sacrifice, the heart welled up indescribable disgust.




In the evening, the ship arrived at Wanchuan (present-day Wanzhou District, Chongqing). Li Jing disembarked and landed at the most popular "Wanchuan Inn". After dinner, Lone Star leaned against the window, gazing absently at the dark, murky surface of the river.

The downstairs hall of the inn was filled with people, and from time to time, people shouted loudly. Li Jing said, "Little Star, if you want to watch the fun, brother will accompany you downstairs."

Lone Star said, "I've never like watching the commotion; I was just thinking about how Ah Yue is doing now."

Li Jing said, "A Yue is at Princess Liang's place, and is doing well."

Lone Star shook his head, "I dreamed of her last night, covered in blood, I'm afraid it's not good."

Li Jing said, "Dreams are often the opposite of reality, so why should you take them seriously?"

Lone Star said, "I dream, unlike others. I used to see grandfather Ouyang die, and then he died; I saw grandfather Xie's leg broken, and then it was really broken."

Li Jing was shocked by his words and asked in a low voice, "Have you dreamed ... The prince's maternal uncle Zhang?" What he was thinking about in his heart was Meiniang. If Mei Niang was in danger, he would be worried.

Where did Lone Star know what was on his mind? He replied, "The prince's maternal uncle Zhang is safe in his dreams."

A stone fell from Li Jing's heart. Zhang Ke and Mei Niang's family, he is safe, Mei Niang is naturally safe.

At this time, the shopkeeper knocked on the door and stretched his head, smilingly asked Li Jing: "Guest, it's lively downstairs. There are people with superb skills performing. Would you like to take a look?"

At that time, in the city's major inns, there were wandering performers showing off various skills to entertain guests, who would tip at their discretion. Li Jing, after all, is a child, naturally want to see the hustle and bustle, pulled Lone Star downstairs.

The hall was full of guests, monks and Taoists, old and young. An empty space was left in the inner room against the wall, where a tall, thin, middle-aged Taoist priest stood with a sword in his hand. Suddenly, flames came out of his mouth and burned on the sword. The sword immediately caught fire and burned for a long time. Before the fire on the sword burned out, the Taoist priest backhanded the tip of the sword into his open mouth and sent it down his throat inch by inch. A three-foot long sword, surprisingly all the way in. In the midst of the crowd's gasps of surprise, the hilt of the sword was surprisingly completely engulfed by him as well.

The Taoist priest looked calm, shut up and chewed, as if he was savoring a delicious meal. Immediately, the Taoist priest turned around, threw his head, the crowd's eyes flashed, a handsome young man with a handsome face appeared in front of their eyes. With another toss of his head, he turned into a wrinkled old woman. Next, middle-aged merchants, two eight petite ladies, deep mountain woodcutters, fishermen on the water ... that expression, demeanor with the action, really subtle, breathtaking.

The five baht coins spilled out all over the floor during the roar of applause. The store assistant hurriedly bent down to pick them up one by one.

The Taoist priest is restored to his original form and arches his hand in thanks.

Suddenly, a green-robed old man standing at Li Jing's side shouted, "Such a trick,they dare to come out and make a spectacle of themselves! This is nothing but the face-changing art from Shu, simply sticking on human skin masks. What's so special about it? And that sword, it's just coated with alcohol, which ignites upon contact with fire. Plus, there's a mechanism control device inside the sword that allows it to retract bit by bit."

The Taoist priest was revealed, but he was not angry and laughed, "This old man, if you can do the poor Taoist's trick, these money will be offered to you."

The old man stepped forward in a hurry and took out a short knife from under his robe, handing it to the Taoist priest, "If the Taoist Master can swallow this small knife, the old man shall give you five gold leaves."

The Taoist priest took it with a smile, and without even looking at it, he actually sent the snowy blade directly into his mouth and chewed it for a while. Li Jing almost vomited when he heard the clicking sound of the biting iron blade.

In a short time, the Taoist priest even ate the hilt of the short sword clean.

The crowd was appalled. The old man had no choice but to feel for money on his body. However, when he touched it, his bag was empty.

The old man was shocked and looked back at Li Jing.

Li Jing also felt around his body. The five gold leaves that Gu Musheng had given him had disappeared.

The Taoist priest laughed loudly, and with his right hand, he took out the gold leaves from his left sleeve robe and placed them in his palm. Li Jing fixed his eyes on it, no more, no less, exactly five pieces.

The Taoist priest shouted, "Wonderful!"

The crowd followed with a roar of "Bravo!" More five-zhu coins rained down beside the Taoist priest.

How did the old man steal the gold leaf from Li Jing? How did the Taoist priest manage to transfer the gold leaf stolen by the old man to himself through space? Was it true or false that the face-changing swallowed swords and knives? Li Jing was confused, reached out to pull Lone Star's hand, but grabbed an empty one. Looking around, where was Lone Star's figure?