Going Home and An Unexpected Revelation 

Emi and I arrived at her mansion, still in our Hanayami Academy uniforms. As we stood in front of her room, she opened the door, and we entered together. Emi locked the door and then looked at me, cupping my face.

"I just have to lock the door so that our moment will not be interrupted by others."

"I understand, Emi. I don't have any complaints about that."

"Good boy," she said as she patted my head and stroked my hair. "For being a good boy, I have a reward for you."

"Eh? A reward?!" I said, my black eyes beaming with excitement.

"Yes, that's right, my beloved Inzo. I'll give you a reward for being a good boy."

"Then what is it?"

She stopped stroking my black hair, cupped my face, and leaned closer, pressing her lips onto mine for a kiss.

It lasted ten seconds before she pulled away, leaving my cheeks red with embarrassment.

"Oh~? Are you still embarrassed about kissing even though we are lovers now?"

"Y-yeah..." I said, bowing my head in apology. "I'm sorry for not being able to adjust."

"No, no," Emi said, shaking her head while still cupping my face. "It's not your fault, my beloved Inzo. It's normal for lovers to feel uncomfortable after they kiss, and it's a part of the challenge of being in a relationship. In fact, I don't mind seeing you embarrassed or finding it uncomfortable after the kiss. You look so cute."

"O-okay, I'll do my best next time, Emi. I promise I'll—" I was cut off as Emi kissed my forehead.

"I love you too much, Inzo. I would do anything for you."

"I love you too, Emi," I said with a smile.

We exchanged another kiss, and I closed my eyes to feel the love and affection Emi gave me. But this time, it was different. I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I opened my eyes, trembling in shock, to see that Emi had stabbed me.

"E-Emi...? J-just why?" I asked, trembling and nervous as blood dripped from my mouth and my body weakened.

"Thank you for saying that you love me, Inzo."

"W-what do you mean?!" I shouted, wincing in pain as Emi tightened her grip on the knife. "Aww! Shit, it hurts!" Tears fell from my eyes as I continued. "I... I don't want to die..."

"You don't have to worry about that, Inzo."


"Because you will live forever in my heart, and I will also remember you forever."

With that said, she pushed me to the floor. As I lay there, she pulled out the knife and stabbed me again, repeatedly, ten times.


Blood splattered around the floor. My vision blurred, but I could still see Emi's face, covered in my blood. She smiled triumphantly, looking down at my weak, barely alive face.

"Fufu... You're still alive, Inzo. You're really a tough one, aren't you?"

"I... I'm sc...a..red to... d...ie," I said weakly, still clenching my fist. Any minute or second, I could let go, but I wanted to live. I wanted to live! It was on my mind, the determination to live and survive, to graduate from Hanayami Academy, to go to college, get a job, and start a family.

"M...mo...ther, I'm... so...rry," I said as more tears fell.

Emi's face darkened, her blue-grey eyes filled with anger. She pulled the knife out of my stomach and stabbed me again seven times.

Under the sounds of *thuds* from the knife, she kept shouting towards me while crying, and I could only vaguely hear her as I tried my best to stay awake.








"Inzo, tell me," she said, raising the knife once again before what seemed like the final stab.

I looked at her, too weak to reply.

"Did you love me at all? If you did, then why do you still talk to Karina and can't forget your mother? I want your answer before I kill you."

"B...because they are im...por...tant people to me... But... I... lo...ve you Emi you...re  my num...ber one." I smiled one last time, crying, before I let go of my clenched fists and lost consciousness.

Suddenly, I opened my eyes slowly and found myself in a black van, with Emi licking the tears from my eyes.

"Waaah!" I shouted, pushing Emi away. She fell onto the floor mat of the van.

"Good evening, Inzo. You seemed to have had a bad dream, so I came to comfort you."

"So, licking my tears is part of comforting me too?"

"Yes, my beloved Inzo! That's also part of comforting you because you always have bad dreams."

What Emi said reminded me of earlier this morning in Emi's car, where I had a bad dream about meeting that mysterious woman. And now, it was Emi who killed me in this dream.

Well, a dream is just a dream. It's not a big deal to make it a problem, so I just need to move on.

"Then I would like you to please comfort me as always when I have a bad dream, Emi."

"Of course, Inzo," she said as she held my left hand and continued. "I'll always be here to comfort you and wake you up if you have a bad dream."

"Thank you, Emi. It really means a lot to me," I said with a smile.

"Anything for you, my beloved Inzo," Emi said, smiling back at me.

Emi sat down beside me as the van was still moving along the road. Her blue-gray eyes brightened up like stars as an idea formed in her mind. 

"Hey, Inzo, how about we play a game to pass the time?"

"A game?" I asked, curiously. "What kind of game?"

"Let's play a trivia game," she suggested. "We'll ask each other questions, and if one of us gets a question wrong, there's a punishment."

"A punishment?" I raised an eyebrow. "What kind of punishment?"

"It would spoil the fun if I told you the punishment, but it'll be fun, I promise."


With that said, we started the game, alternating questions, starting with history and then moving on to other subjects.

"Alright, Inzo, I'll go first," Emi said. "Who was the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate?"

I smiled, knowing the answer. "Tokugawa Ieyasu."

"Correct!" Emi nodded approvingly. "Your turn."

"Hmm..." I thought for a moment. "Who wrote the novel 'Norwegian Wood'?"

"That's easy," Emi replied confidently. "Haruki Murakami."

"Correct," I said. "Your turn again."

"Heh..." Emi grinned. "What is the chemical symbol for water?"

"H2O!" I answered quickly.

"Correct! It's your turn, Inzo," she said with a warm smile.

"Who painted the Mona Lisa?" I asked.

"Leonardo da Vinci," she replied immediately. She really is the top one in our class.

"Correct," I said. "Okay, your turn again."

"Let's make it a bit more challenging, my beloved Inzo," Emi said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Solve this math problem: What is the value of x if 2x + 3 = 11?"

"Um..." I calculated it in my mind, moving the constant, which is 3, to the other side of the equation. "So, 11 - 3 equals 8, leaving 2x = 8. Then, if we divide both sides by 2, we get x = 4," I said confidently.

"Correct," Emi said, clearly impressed with my calculating skills. "But now, let's see if you can handle this one. What is the solution to the equation 2x^2 - 4x + 2 = 0?"

"Uhh..." I struggled for a moment, realizing this one was trickier. Without paper to write on, it was challenging. Defeated, I looked down and admitted quietly, "I don't know the answer."

"You don't know the answer?" Emi asked, her tone calm and gentle.

"I'm sorry," I said, unable to raise my head and look at her as embarrassment washed over me. "It's hard to solve without a paper. I really am sorry."

Emi gently lifted my chin with her right hand to meet her gaze. "You don't have to apologize or feel depressed just because you couldn't answer the question, Inzo."

"But I thought you'd be disappointed in me for not knowing the answer."

"No, I'm not disappointed," she reassured me, wrapping her arms around me in a comforting hug. Leaning in, she whispered into my right ear, her voice soft and sweet. "Instead, I'm happy that you didn't know the answer."

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused by her response.

"Did you perhaps forget what happens when one of us loses the game?"

"Oh, um... the punishment?"

She let go of our hug, and her lips turned into a wide grin as I asked that.

"Yes, that's right, my beloved Inzo. It's time for your punishment," she said as she began to caress my face gently.

I gulped, feeling a mix of nervousness and, perhaps, a bit of excitement. "So, what's my punishment?"

"Wait for a moment, Inzo. I'll have to get something," she said, stopping her caressing of my face and pressing her finger to my lips.

Her gesture indicated that I didn't need to reply okay to her, so I simply nodded my head. She smiled when she noticed I understood, then leaned closer and pressed her lips softly to my forehead. It felt warm and tender, like a gentle reassurance and deep affection that came from her heart.

She pulled away after that, leaving a lip mark on my forehead, which made her smile. "Good boy for following my order. That's your reward, my beloved Inzo."

"T-thank you," I said, my cheeks flushed red.

"Just wait here, okay?"


Emi went down and grabbed something from below the sofa we sat on. As she pulled it out, it revealed a length of silk ribbon. She sat back properly and looked at me with a mischievous smile.

"I'm going to tie your hands, and then I'll caress your face. You have to stay still and not flinch. If you flinch, I'll tighten the tie as punishment for not following my instructions. Do we have a clear understanding of your punishment, my beloved Inzo?"

"Yes, Emi," I replied with a nod, feeling my heart race.

Emi moved closer to me, and I put my hands behind my back. She smiled triumphantly at my obedience and gently tied my hands together with the ribbon, making sure it was snug but not too tight. 

After tying my hands, she looked at me, cupped my face, and leaned closer. I could smell her sweet and alluring scent—something I noticed earlier in the car, but now, with her so close, it was intoxicating.

I closed my eyes, savoring the fragrance. Ahh... She smelled so good. She seemed to notice my reaction and then kissed my left eye.

After she kissed my left eye, I remained in shock, and she pulled away, looking at me.

"Smelling my scent, what a bad boy you are, my beloved Inzo," she said, her lips turning into a smirk.

"I-i'm sorry, it just smells so good."

"Don't worry, I'll discipline you since you're now mine," she said, then kissed my right eye and whispered in my right ear, "Your eyes are always beautiful; I want to cherish them."

"T-thank you," I said, my cheeks reddening in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed; it's our love."

I just nodded, and then she pulled away from my ear and looked at me, now tied up and unable to go anywhere.

"Now, just relax," she said with a warm smile, her voice soothing yet commanding. She started to caress my face, her fingers tracing the contours of my cheeks and jaw. Her touch was soft and tender, yet it sent shivers down my spine.

I did my best to stay still, but the sensation was overwhelming. Emi's touch was both comforting and electrifying, and I found it hard not to react.

"Y-yeah, sure," I stammered, my voice cracking slightly as I struggled to maintain my composure. "I-I'm... I'm okay," I added, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"You're doing great, Inzo," she said softly, her eyes filled with affection. "Just a little longer."

She continued to caress my face, her fingers moving to my temples and forehead, then down to my chin. Each stroke was deliberate, almost hypnotic. Despite the initial awkwardness, I started to relax into her touch, finding a strange sense of peace.

Finally, Emi stopped, her hands resting gently on my shoulders. "There, all done. You did well, Inzo."

Thanks, Emi. That was... different," I said with a warm smile.

Emi smiled back warmly, untying the ribbon from my hands. "I'm glad you liked it. Sometimes, a little game and some comfort are all we need to feel better."

The van continued on its way, heading towards Emi's mansion. Ten minutes had passed while Emi held my right hand, not letting go. The van turned, and we approached the gate of her mansion. 

The gate opened automatically, and we continued our way until we arrived at the front door of Emi's mansion, which still looked majestic and cool at the same time. Suddenly, my stomach growled loudly, signaling my hunger.

"Sounds like someone's hungry," she teased, squeezing my hand gently.

I blushed and looked away. "Yeah, I guess I am."

"Don't worry, my beloved Inzo, because my servants always prepare dinner, so the food is ready on the dining table."

"Really? That would be great," I said, smiling back at her.

She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "But first, you have to promise me something."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You have to promise that you'll always stay by my side," she said, her expression turning serious. "No matter what."

"I promise, Emi. I'll always stay by your side." I said with a warm and reassuring smile.

"Good," she said, her playful smile returning. "Now, let's get inside my mansion and take care of that growling stomach of yours."

Emi opened the van door. She extended her right hand toward me, inviting me to take it. "Shall we?"

I reached out and took her right hand. "Let's go."

We stepped out of the van, hand in hand, and as we approached the door of the mansion, it opened automatically. Emi led me inside, and we walked through the grand hallway, our footsteps echoing softly.

"It's always so impressive here," I said while looking around in the elegant surroundings.

"I'm glad you like it. We're heading to the dining table."

We made our way to the dining room, where a dining table awaited us, filled with a variety of delicious-looking dishes. My eyes widened at the sight of it.

There's a steaming platter of sushi, neatly arranged with slices of fresh tuna, salmon, and shrimp. Next to it was a bowl of miso soup, its savory aroma wafting through the air. A large plate of tempura, with crispy shrimp and vegetables, sat beside a dish of teriyaki chicken, glistening with its sweet and savory sauce. In the center of the table was a bowl of rice, perfectly cooked and fluffy. There was also a small assortment of pickled vegetables, adding a burst of color to the table. A jug of cold water with lemon slices and a pot of green tea completed the spread.

"Wow, this looks incredible," I said, my mouth watering at the sight of the food. I quickly wiped my mouth with the back of my right hand.

Emi chuckled. "Let's sit down and enjoy it, Inzo."

"Yeah, let's do that," I said, smiling. We moved to the table, and Emi sat down beside me.

We both clasped our hands together and said, "Itadakimasu!" before picking up our chopsticks.

I took my first bite, savoring the fresh sushi. "This is delicious," I said, turning to Emi. "Thank you."

Emi smiled warmly. "I'm glad you like it. Anything for you, my beloved Inzo."

We continued eating, tasting the different dishes. The tempura was crispy and light, the teriyaki chicken was tender and flavorful, and the miso soup was comforting and warm. The pickled vegetables added a refreshing tang to each bite.

After we finished our meal, we sat back, feeling satisfied and content. "Ahh... my stomach is full," I said, leaning back in my chair while touching it.

"The food always tastes better when I'm with you, my beloved Inzo."

"Really?" I asked while looking at her.

"Yes, it is," she said as she stood up from her seat and extended her hand in invitation towards me. "Let's head upstairs and change our clothes in my room."

"R-right," I stuttered, feeling a bit flustered at the idea of changing clothes together in her room.

As we ascended the stairs together and entered her room, I couldn't help but notice a set of clothes laid out on the bed. There was a navy blue T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants. "Are these for me?" I asked, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment.

Emi nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Yes, I picked them out for you. I hope you like them."

I couldn't help but feel touched by her thoughtfulness, even though the situation made me feel a bit awkward.

"Um... thanks," I mumbled. I glanced at the clothes she had chosen for me. They seemed to be the right size. When did she measure me for these?

"If you're still worried about changing clothes together, I can go to the bathroom while you change in my room."

"That would be great, thank you, Emi," I said, smiling gratefully.

"Of course, Inzo. I want you to feel comfortable," she said reassuringly. "I'll be right back."

With that said, Emi left the room while I changed my clothes, and after a minute had passed, I also set my shoes aside. I sat on the bed, waiting for Emi, and then five minutes later, she opened the door, closed it, and locked it.

As she walked towards me, my eyes widened in shock at the sight before me. Emi was wearing a stunning purple long dress that fit her curves in all the right places and to her beauty. Her hair was still the same: long, dark wolf-cut hair with expensive diamond necklace on her neck that shines brightly throughout the room, which beats the modern LED ceiling light in the room.

"Impressed, Inzo?" she teased, twirling slightly to show her dress.

I nodded dumbly, unable to form words. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

"Come on, Inzo," Emi said, pushing me gently onto the bed. She then joined me, settling beside me, and I could smell the expensive and lovely perfume that she put on her dress.

"E-emi?" I asked while my heart kept racing.

"Cuddle me, Inzo," she said with a soft and inviting voice. 

Blushing at her request, I couldn't resist now that she was beside me. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her close, feeling a mix of nervousness and happiness.

As we cuddled, our bodies radiated heat, and I couldn't help but wonder if Emi was feeling as nervous as I was. We closed our eyes, preparing to sleep, but then I opened my eyes and mustered my courage to whisper into her left ear, "You look beautiful tonight, Emi. Like a goddess."

Emi looked at me with a playful pout on her face. "So you think I'm only beautiful tonight?" she asked, teasingly.

"No, no, you're always beautiful," I stammered. "Tonight, you just look extra stunning."

"That's better," she said, smiling. "But I still like hearing you say it."

"Well, it's true," I said. "You really do look like a goddess."

Emi's smile softened. "Thank you, Inzo. That means a lot to me."

I leaned in, about to kiss her lips. Emi also leaned in, but just as our lips were inches apart, she placed her right index finger on my lips.

"It's time to sleep," she said with a gentle smile.

"Ehh, but you look so beautiful, and I thought I could—" I was cut off by her.

"I want to be the one to take the initiative, not you," she said with a playful smirk. She then kissed my forehead softly. "That's for tonight~."

"Okay, Emi," I said with a blush on my face while cuddling her tightly. "Goodnight, Emi."

"Goodnight too, my beloved Inzo," she said as she closed her eyes.

I closed my eyes, and we drifted off to sleep. This day wasn't bad after all.


At 9:30 p.m. At Karina's grandmother's house, she found herself staring at her collection in her room.

The walls were full of pictures of Inzo Hayashi, taken secretly during their elementary school days. 

Each photo captured a moment of innocence, a time when they were happy together and full of dreams for the future. But now, those dreams were shattered.

Karina clenched one of the pictures in her hand, her heart aching with frustration and longing. She had spent four years in the Philippines, pursuing her acting career and becoming a young prodigy. She had made a name for herself, but that was all futile when Inzo failed in his dream.

"Why couldn't you wait, Inzo?" she muttered to herself, her voice filled with anguish. "Why did you let that b*tch become your girlfriend?"

She remembered the day she found out about Inzo losing his singing voice. It was November, and she had seen the news on social media, shared by students from Hanayami Academy. The pain she felt then was indescribable.

"Mother, I need to go back to Japan," she had pleaded. "I need to see him. He needs me."

But her mother had reminded her of her contract, which didn't expire until December. So she had waited, a whole agonizing month, before she could finally return to Japan. When she did, she was met with a cruel reality. Inzo, the boy she had loved, now had a girlfriend.

"Why, Inzo?" Karina whispered, tears streaming down her face now. "Why couldn't you wait for me?"

She clenched the picture tighter, her knuckles turning white. "We even promised each other at that graduation in elementary school. We said we'd meet again if you became a popular singer and I was an actress. I know you failed, but why did you go with that b*tch and sl*tty woman?"

Her frustration grew as she was in denial. "You're mine, Inzo! I can't accept this! I can't!"

It was a harsh reality, and for now, all she could do was stare at the pictures and think about what-ifs. What if she hadn't left Japan? What if they had stayed together and fallen in love?

"No," she finally said, her voice steadying with resolve. "I won't let this happen. I won't just stand by and let her take you away from me. I'll make sure she regrets ever coming into your life."

Karina's eyes burned with determination. "Maghihiganti ako, Inzo. Maghintay ka lang. Magiging akin ka ulit, kahit anong mangyari. (I'll get my revenge, Inzo. Just wait. You will be mine again, no matter what it takes.)"