2004 / Seoul South Korea.
I was currently at home after just arriving back from the hospital and was sitting on the bed in my new room while looking at my appearance in the mirror that showed a average handsome korean boy with dark brown hair, dark brown eyes, chubby rectangular shaped face, 5'8 in height with a slightly muscular body.
(Daehyun's POV)
"How will I deal with jyp now." I said sighing while looking at the email on my iphone that explains about the Idols debut day and that I need to be at the company at 7:00 in the morning and to not be late.
I sighed again and thought while putting my iphone down and rubbing my forehead "They know that I just came out of surgery and they already want me to debut...but if you think about it the former owner has been at jyp for 4 years having been accepted as a dancer when he was 12 they must want to see if their resources have paid off and if it didn't they will terminate my contract and then I'll be in debt is what I assume the email actually indicates"
I sighed again at how quickly things are becoming complicated for me and picked up my iphone and sent a message back telling them that I understand and will be there.
"Daehyun are you sleeping." Asked my mother with a worried voice from outside my room.
"No I'm up." I said with a small smile, feeling warm on the inside.
Aera walked into the room and seen i was on my phone and smiled and said "I brought some martial art books that your grandfather told me to give to you to use since he's a training and martial arts freak."
I looked at the stacks of martial arts book and immediately spotted one that stood out with the tai chi characters on it and grabbed it and said "Did he give these to me to have or dose he want them back."
"He said you could have them he made these for you their all copied versions." Said aera smiling warmly.
I chuckled and shook my head at the image of my new grandfather flashing through my mind, from the former owner's memories and said with a smile while opening the tai chi book "Tell him I said thank you."
"I will and make sure you get plenty of rest." Said aera with a serious face, concerned for my health.
"That wont be happening since they want me to debut tomorrow." I said out of the blue, wanting to laugh at the companies thick skin.
Aera looked surprised but her face turned pissed and said screaming "THEN WHY DID YOU WANT TO BE AN IDOL IF THEY ARE GONNA TREAT YOU LIKE THIS."
"Because it's my dream job." I said, getting what the former owner wanted to tell his mother off his chest an suddenly felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulder.
Aera sighed and said softly "If that is what you want to do as a career then I'll respect your choice even if I don't recommend it in your current condition anyways I signed you up for social security disability benefits in case your unable to get a job and you've been approved so you will be receiving a check of 3,661 from the state every month that will be deposited to your bank account."
I stared at my mother with surprised by how quick she is and smiled and nodded and said "Thank you."
"You don't need to thank me I'm your mother and I'll always love you no matter what you look like or anything in general I'm always here for you even if I pass I'll be watching over you and will always be by your side in your heart and in spirit always remember that." Said aera walking up to me and kissing my forehead, making me feel warm in my heart and smiled at the new feeling.
"Ok." I Said smiling while putting my iphone aside.
Aera smiled and left the room while saying goodnight.
I looked back at the tai chi book and started reading it while getting into my new bed, intending to take a shower in the morning since i need to recover a little bit and have already done enough work for the day by even having the strength to stand up after my surgery.
TIMESKIP: The next day.
I woke up and stretched a little as to not hurt myself from the abominable disease I currently have and slowly got up from the bed and grabbed my forearm crutches and made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.
As i walked Into the bathroom and sat on the toilet slowly and put my forearm crutches against the wall and took off my clothes, and like all male reincarnators and transmigrators do i looked down to see how big my new little brother and was shocked.
"Damn a 10 inch not bad." I said chuckling with a little surprise while holding the sink for support to get up from the toilet and held the wall while walking into the walkin shower.
As i walked into the walkin shower i let the water run on my body while holding the wall for support and started reminiscing about my past life and how many times my mother called me a ugly failure and said that I would accomplish nothing in life with my meager i intelligence and even told the teachers at the school i was going to that I was brain dead and wish I was never born which is literally the epitome of a whore who shouldn't have slept around in the first place if she didn't want me to be born.
"Luckily I don't have to deal with that ugly ass bitch anymore." I said while sighing and picking up the soap, intending to start washing my body while thinking about what I should do in the future for the first time ever which felt good to look forward instead of backwards for a change.
TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.
I was currently inside the car with my mother who was driving me to jyp entertainment for my debut,while I was on my phone looking at videos of the former owner break dancing which was not bad at all in fact he was on point.
"Are you sure you want to go along with this." Asked aera with a worried voice.
I looked up my phone an at my mother and seen her worried face and said with a smile to reassure her "I'll be ok you don't need to worry about me all the time I know my limits."
Aera sighed and nodded finally relenting while pulling into jyp's parking lot and looked at me and said with encouragement" I hope you succeed in debuting."
I smiled and said while getting out of the car slowly with my forearm crutches "Me to."
As I got out of the car and waved my mother goodbye and slowly made my way into the building while people where staring at me which I didn't care about at all, and made my Way to the room where i was supposed to debut at.
I walked into the room and seen It was actually a huge auditorium with a stage and rows of chairs like at opera shows which surprised me while seeing teen trainee groups and solo trainees.
I made my way past some of the groups and soloists who obviously stared at me and sat down in one of the lineup chairs and took a deep breath.
"Hey kid you shouldn't be in here if your not a trainee about to debut." Said a fat middle aged korean man walking up to me, obviously about to start some bullishit.
"I am a trainee." I said, not bothering to look at the fat fucker who clearly has a superiorty complex.
The other trainees where surprised but didn't comment or say anything since it's none of their business and didn't want to be disrespectful to their peers and continued with what they where doing.
The fat middle aged man looked at the other trainees and seen they where not paying attention to him at all which made him even more pissed and was about to scream at them, only to be Interrupted.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE WHO'S FIRST." Said the last judge finally arriving and went and sat in his spot next to the other judges while the other trainee groups and soloists also took their seats while one of the trainee group went onto the stage and took their positions.
"This will be hard since I obviously can't dance with this body but I'm sure me having sam smiths musical talents will be a huge advantage" I thought while watching the trainee group start to perform.
While the trainee group started there performance I looked at the other soloists and started analyzing all of them.
"Yeah this will be a little hard" I thought while sighing but cheered up a little since sam smith is not to be messed with in terms of vocal prowess.