The Start/Pt 3.

"Yeah this is boring just as I expected" I thought with a smile on my face since I know the cameraman will occasionally put the camera on my face once in awhile.

While I was to busy being lost in thought host shin and the female host kim took their leave from the stage and just as they took there leave the audience suddenly started getting loud with all the chatting and laughing and some arguments here and there which immediately brought me back to reality.

"Let's leave." I said and slowly started getting up from my seat with manager kim also getting up from his while grabbing his things and putting my award away so nothing happens to it.

"Your L right." Asked a male voice out o nowhere which made me look in the direction of where the voice was coming from and seen it was the kpop idol rain and was a little surprised.

"Yes I'm L." I said calmly while manager kim behind me was shocked stupid.

"Nice to meet you my name is jung jihoon, I just wanted to congratulate you on winning a daesang." Said rain with a smile while holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Oh, thank you." I said with a smile, shaking his hand.

Rain suddenly stopped smiling and said with a serious face "I have a question I wanted to ask you."

The smile on my face froze and thought with it internally dropping "Better be a good question because I'm ready to leave"

"How do you sing so good, do you have a technique you use or..." Asked rain with a very interested face, wondering how I can sing so good.

I had a surprised face since despite people complementing me all the time on my good singing which I believe would have sounded horrible if I didn't have sam smith's voice which I accepted as my own now but anyways despite people complementing me they never actually asked the techniques I used.

Rain seeing my surprised face said with a reassuring smile "You don't have to share if you don't want to I was j..."

"No it's ok, no one has ever asked me that that's why I was surprised but it's actually simple it's the tongue." I said interupting him while pointing at my mouth which made rain confused which the cmawmeam caught on camera but we didn't care.

I noticed his confusion and said with a chuckle, obviously about to spout bullshit "That's why I don't tell people because they take it the wrong way but you have to train your tongue to position the way you want it but not everyone can do that."

Rain was surprised by the information he just received and tried to position his tongue in his mouth and said singing in In a breathy tone with no notes "I...Ack...."

I watched him cough back to back and just shook my head since it's natural because when I received sam smiths musical talents that also included information on the techniques he uses which he doesn't share at all and seemed to always avoid the question and just gave pointers but it mostly has to do with the way his tongue is trained and breath control which comes natural to me when I sing since I have his musical talents because if you haven't noticed you hardly see his tongue when you watch him from a screen even when the camera is so close to his face unlike most singers and it also has to do with his lisp which I now have when I speak and sing but I don't mind since it doesn't sound bad it's what makes my now voice unique and sound good and even when sam got rid of his lisp you could still hear it when he speaks and sings so technically he didn't get rid of it.

"'s hard." Said rain while adjusting his throat, while I just shook my head with a chuckle.

"It was nice meeting you." I said indicating with a smile that Im about to leave since manager kim behind me has been gesturing for awhile now, with my hand held out for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you." Said eain with a smile and shook my hand while we both bowed a little which gets on my nerves but it's a sign of respect in korea so I'll just have to go along with it until my back gives out that is.

I started heading towards the door that leads backstage so I can sneak out back and while I was doing so I looked on the left corner of my eye and seen a boy around my age glaring at me but ignored it and just mentally listed his face in my mind as a potential threat in the future.

TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.

I was currently standing outside back of the mama awards waiting for manager kim to bring the car around and while I was doing so I heard commotion that I'm all to familiar with which are fans screaming the names of the idols.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and went on my facebook page and seen edits of myself with special affects of when I was on stage and just chuckled and thought "The short clips are cool but didn't my fans make these a little to fast"

I scrolled on my page and noticed something that completely made my smile drop which was a edit post of me with a dildo as a microphone but suddenly smiled again and saved the post, Intending to sue the fucker who made the post.

I put my phone back in my pocket while noticing manager kim pulling up in a black car and made my way to the car and got into the back seat as manager kim started driving.

While I was inside the car I got back on my phone and sent the saved edited picture to jyp who immediately responded to my text with a angry face emoji and a new message that said he would take care of it.

"Are you ok daehyun." Asked manager kim, looking in the review mirror while glancing at the road once in awhile.

I looked up from my phone and seen manager kim looking at me in the review mirror and said with a completely lost face "You say something."

"I asked if are you were ok since you've been quiet since you got in the car." Said manager kim, looking in the review mirror at me while glancing at the road once in awhile.

"I'm ok." I said calmly, since I just don't feel like talking or anything I'm just in a relaxed state and because my damn hip still hurt's.

"Oh, ok." Said manager kim while putting his full attention back on the road since nothing is wrong with me.

"I'll have to go back to the hospital for a check up to make sure nothing is wrong with my hip" I thought with a sigh while looking back down at my phone to look at random things and wait until I arrive at jyp entertainment.
