2008 / Japan.
It's been 2 weeks since i traveled to america for ellen's interview and since then i have been doing nothing but working like usual with nothing note worthy happening to me except my money from the president finally arriving which boosted my networth from 185,267,743 to 190,267,743 and the L and taylor swift scandal finally being over and the president accepting my request to make kpop idols legal workers which he spread throughout the Internet and gave me credit for since it wasn't his idea and he also started implementing a mental health project that focuses on mental health which he also gave me credit for, but there have been multiple odd encounters that i have had with a certain someone even before i decided to accept ellen's interview and go to america which i forgot to mention.
(Daehyun's POV)
"This feels good" I thought while throwing another rock into the water while enjoying the wind and if your wondering why I'm in japan it's because I just finished doing a photoshoot session and no it wasn't a nude one this time.
I sat on the bench and looked at the water and the beautiful trees, wanting to enjoy my free time on this bridge with these beautiful trees to clear my mind but just as I was enjoying the fresh air and the water i suddenly heard something drop and looked in the direction of where it was and seen a woman hurriedly walking away.
I got up from the bench and went over to the object the woman dropped and seen it was a silver cross earring which made me smirk and say while picking up my long lost earring "What a horrible stalker you are taeyeon."
"I'M NOT A STALKER." Said the woman screaming with anger, revealing it to actually be taeyeon.
I chuckled and wiggled my cross earring in my hand and asked "is that so but why do you have my earring."
Taeyeon averted her eyes from mines and said while looking at her well done nails "No reason I thought it looked expensive so I wanted to make some money off of it."
"What a horrible liar." I said while shaking my head at her horrible lieing skills and headed back the bench and sat back on it while making sure my earring didn't have any scratches or any other things wrong with it.
Taeyeon's face turned pissed at my comment and walked in front of me and got close to my face and said threateningly "Give me the the earring back now be...."
I swiftly pulled taeyeon's face closer to mines and planted my lips on hers.
Taeyeon was shocked and struggled to break free and after i let go of her she swung her fist towards my face which i dodged by tilting my head back.
"GRAAAAAAH, I HATE YOU." Said taeyeon screaming with blushing cheeks.
I chuckled at her cute angry face and said while putting my earring in my pocket and crossing my legs "I love you to."
"Y....you...s...stole my...my...first kiss." Said taeyeon stuttering with a sudden realization, pointing at herself than at me.
I licked my lips and asked "Did you eat ramen noodles."
Taeyeon suddenly blushed hardly and said while stuttering and averting her eyes "N...no."
I chuckled and thought while pulling my phone out and checking the time which showed it was only 10:26 am "Yes you did i can taste it"
Taeyeon sat down next to me and glanced at me and looked away, only to glance at me again and look away.
"Need something." I asked while scrolling on facebook on my phone.
Taeyeon rolled her eyes at my unfazed demeanour about our little intimate moment just a moment ago and asked "Was that your first kiss."
"No but you can get your hand out away from my pocket though." I said, looking up from my phone and looking at her hand that was reaching for my pocket.
Taeyeon noticing i caught her sighed and just looked at the cherry blossom trees and asked calmly which was rather rare ever since i met her "Why do i have to run into you alot."
"Because you love me." I said calmly in the background.
Taeyeon's face suddenly twisted Into anger and grabbed my shirt and pulled my face close to hers and said with utmost honesty "I despise you."
"Good to know but do you want another kiss." I asked out of the blue since I'm rather close to her face and her lips did feel and taste good so I wouldn't mind.
"Graaaaah, why does your every comment make me so mad." Said taeyeon while letting go of my shirt.
I swiftly turned her face towards mine and leaned in towards her face and gently kissed her again which made her surprised, catching her completely off guard.
I gently pushed my tongue into her mouth and twirled it around her tongue and said calmly while biting her bottom lip gently and looking into her eyes and holding both sides of her face with my hands "You don't have to like me but I decided that i'll make you mine."
Taeyeon had a blushing shocked face from everything happening so fast and was only able to mutter from how much shock she was experiencing "Ok."
I smiled and let go of her face and said "Give me your phone."
Taeyeon still not registering all of what happened grabbed her phone out of her pocket and handed it to me.
I grabbed her phone and put my phone number in and leaned close to her face again and kissed her cheek while snapping a picture, which made her blush even harder.
"D...do...y...you have a tongue piercing." Asked taeyeon stuttering shyly, averting her face from mine.
I turned her face back towards mine and said while sticking my tongue out, showing her my tongue piercing and handing her phone back "Yes, but I'm surprised you noticed that from the way where looking when i was kissing you."
Taeyeon took a deep breath to get her bearings back and got up from the bench and looked at me and said "I would never date someone like you."
I stared at her calmly which made her avert her eyes uncomfortably and say while stuttering "S...s...stop...s...staring at me you creep."
I got up from the bench and got in front of her and looked down at her straight in her eyes and said calmly "You say that but you seemed to like the ki...."
"NO I DIDN'T." Said taeyeon screaming with anger.
I rubbed my cheek that was just slapped but didn't faze me in the slightest and looked at her again that was taking deep breaths to calm down and said calmly "Then I'll leave you to it then i have to be back in korea by the end of this week."
I pulled out my phone and started leaving since there's no point in continuing talking with her if she doesn't want to go on a date with me.
Taeyeon noticing i was leaving immediately ran up to me and grabbed my arm and said "Wait don't go."
I looked at her calmly and asked "What."
"I'm sorry that i slapped you i just don't know why i hate you so much it's just you are the first person to ever make me scream so much since I'm more of a introverted person but I'm also kinda attracted to you." Said taeyeon while blushing and resting her head on my chest, finally admitting her true feelings.
I was surprised from what i heard and looked down at her head that was on my chest and smiled and said while rubbing it "We can take things slow then."
Taeyeon suddenly clenched my shirt tightly and suddenly threw a punch towards my face while screaming "YOU WANNA TAKE THINGS SLOW WHEN YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS."
I grabbed her fist with a smirk which made her even more angry and picked her up from the ground and made her wrap her legs around my waist and swiftly stole another kiss with my tongue invading her mouth which shocked her and made her anger disappear instantly and slowly start sinking Into the kiss.
"Fuck it, take me to wherever your staying." Said taeyeon while blushing and biting her bottom lip an rubbing my lips with her finger.
I smirked and started kissing her again while heading in the direction of my pent house and thinking "I'm so fucking horny right now "