Love me or love me not/Pt 3.

(Taeyeon's POV)

"Ugh...what happened." Said taeyeon confused while waking up with her eyes adjusting to fhe sunlight coming from the window.

As taeyeon's eyes adjusted to the sunlight coming from the window she felt something resting around her waist and lifted the covers and noticed she was naked with a arm with tattoos on it resting around her waist and thought with fear in her eyes "What the hell is going on."

Taeyeon took a deep breath and gently lifted arm off of her and moved the covers off of her slowly and just enough for her to slip out of bed and as taeyeon got out of bed she looked at who's arm was resting on her and when she seen me her face fell and started recalling everything that happened last night.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS I LOST MY VIRGINITY TO HIM OF ALL PEOPLE" Thought taeyeon screaming internally while trying to remember how all of this happend in the first place and then recalled she went out to go get a drink with the girls since she and the group is currently on a little vacation that sm entertainment is funding since they worked hard.

Taeyeon sighed and rubbed her forehead and then recalled she actually told me that she loved me last night and thought with disgust "Why would i love someone like him and i actually called this fucker daddy"

Taeyeon took a deep breath and started getting her clothes off the dresser that was washed last night and started getting dressed.

After taeyeon finished getting dressed she glanced at me that was asleep in bed to see if I was awake and thought with goosebumps "I have to be extra quiet because this man could get out of bed and i wouldn't even hear him walking up to me and on top of that he doesn't even snore when he sleeps which is just as creepy as his neutral face but i have to admit he has a beautiful smile"

Taeyeon threw the random thoughts to the back of her mind and grabbed her phone from the dresser and seen over 20 missed calls and some text messages in the group chat from each of the girls and decided to text them when she leaves.

As taeyeon was about to leave she looked back at me one more time, only to notice my expensive watch, bracelet and ring on the nightstand by the bed and went quietly over to them and grabbed it swiftly and started heading towards the door.

"You didn't have to lie to me last night." Said a calm voice out of nowhere.

Taeyeon paused and thought "Fuck."

"What do you mean." Asked taeyeon calmly, looking back at me who was staring holes into her head which made her a little nervous.

"I'm talking about when i asked you if you loved me last night." I said while getting out of bed, completely naked.

Taeyeon took a step back and said with obvious nervousness in her voice, not minding my naked figure "But i might've been telling the truth and how long have you been up."

"But you didn't have to lie because no one falls in love that easily only a few can be exceptions but I'm not in that category, i was only asking to see what your answer would be not because i loved you back and thats also why i said we should take things slow to get to know each other first." I said while going up to my dresser and taking another pair of black spandex boxers out of my dresser and putting them on.

Taeyeon was surprised and thought "He was actually serious about me"

"You see i was dr..." Said taeyeon, trying to clear something up.

"No you weren't, because if you we're I would've noticed it and you were still sober enough to be aware of your actions and words." I said, not believing anything she's says.

Taeyeon was speechless and was about to say something but i cut her off.

"I told you last night you could speak your mind and not hold anything back with me but I'll just consider this a one night stand and your also welcome for making you a woman and you can keep the watch, bracelet and ring, so leave now." I said calmly, looking her straight in her eyes not feeling any type of connection anymore.

Taeyeon was surprised again and nodded while looking down with sadness in her eyes and opened the room door and left while thinking with tears coming down her face "I'll always remember you where my first"

(Daehyun's POV)

"I was a little to harsh on her it's obviously my fault for kissing her and for being scared to get to close to people because of my past life" I thought with a sigh while sitting on the bed with my hands on my face and felt some tears which made me surprised.

"Hahaha I'm actually crying." I said laughing, only for more tears to come down my face and suddenly slapped the hell out of myself, leaving a pink mark which stung.


"YOU PIECE OF SHIT STOP CRYING LIKE A BITCH AND MAN UP YOU SURVIVED A WHOLE FUCKING CHILDHOOD OF ABUSE AN RAPE AND EVEN THE LIFE AS A CRIMINAL." I said screaming at myself while realizing that i was starting to become obsessed with worrying about if someone really loved me or not which made me laugh at the discovery.

"Hahaha, I guess it's true we learn things every day." I said laughing while getting up from my bed and going to my nightstand and grabbed a tissue out of the box and started wiping my eyes while taking deep breaths to clear my head, only to hear my phone vibrate at the worst moment.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and seen manager kim texted me, saying that I was invited to this years grammys that takes place next week on friday with a break dancing gif.

I had a surprised face and thought while chuckling "Now I'm really starting to believe in the saying that everything happens for a reason"

While i was too busy laughing i immediately calmed down and got my bearings back and sent a message to manager kim asking whether i will be performing or not and waited by looking out the window at the cherry blossom tress that you could see from my window and felt my phone vibrate again.

I looked back down at my phone and seen the word yes and thought with a sigh while throwing my phone on the bed and heading to the bathroom to do my hygiene stuff "I guess i need to head back to korea today to prepare then."

(Taeyeon's POV)

Taeyeon was laying in bed in her hotel room with tears coming from her eyes while writing in a notebook that looks like a full page of lyrics and thought "Fucking bastard"
