Chapter 3 The end is coming, why am I a zombie?

Roused by a persistent knocking, Hua Zhen awoke with irritation.

Glancing at his phone, it showed just past six in the morning.

"Damn it, who could it be?"

He had just paid the rent two days ago.

Other than the landlord, Hua Zhen couldn't fathom who it might be.

Probably some door-to-door salesman, he guessed.

"Just three more minutes of sleep… no, make that five."

As Hua Zhen was about to turn off his phone and continue sleeping, a sudden realization jolted him upright.

Wait a minute, something's not right!

He grabbed his phone again, noticing an unusual number of missed calls.

"It's six in the morning, right?"

Hold on!

Is it the 21st today?

Did I seriously sleep for a full 15 days?!

Instantly, all traces of sleepiness vanished.

This is bad, really bad. That idiotic boss of mine is going to have a field day…

And how on earth did I manage to go half a month without eating or drinking?

Forget it, I'm truly screwed!

Hastily, Hua Zhen got out of bed, dressed, and opened the window for some fresh air.


He paused, taken aback.

What's going on?

The view outside the window left Hua Zhen stunned.


Why is the street in such disarray?

Dark clouds shrouded the sky, and a drizzle began to fall.

Looking out, the usually bustling street was dotted with motionless figures.

The storefronts bore signs of vandalism, with shattered glass and dark bloodstains scattered across the ground.

The asphalt road was marred with tire tracks and overturned vehicles, their doors dented and windshields shattered.

A scene of utter chaos unfolded before him.

"What… what happened?"

Hua Zhen was dumbfounded.

The knocking at the door had also ceased.

He checked the time once more.

Indeed, he had slept for half a month.

With a sense of foreboding, he tried calling his boss back, but there was no answer.

What exactly happened outside?

Hua Zhen felt an urgent need to understand.

He turned on his laptop and began searching for news on media websites.

Gradually, his brows furrowed, and a cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The internet was awash with videos of zombies biting people, the harrowing images accompanied by the screams and cries of the victims, replacing the usual laughter as the sole background noise.

Zombies… the apocalypse?

You've got to be kidding, right?

Has the biohazard become a reality?

Biting his lip, Hua Zhen tried to laugh it off, but the shattered scene outside his window was all too real.

It's one thing to fool others, but don't fool yourself!

The authorities had issued a notice, instructing citizens to stay indoors, seal their doors and windows, and wait for rescue.

Hua Zhen quickly came to terms with the situation.

He began to take stock of his supplies at home.

In two words: "woefully inadequate."

Since he worked at the construction site and didn't come home every day, Hua Zhen hadn't stocked up on food. His fridge contained only instant noodles, frozen dumplings, sausages, and a few cans of beer.

As for water, there was tap water, which he could collect as needed.

Regarding medicine, he had nothing but a few packets of cold medicine and a bottle of iodine.

What a way to start the day.

The apocalypse comes unannounced, without giving anyone time to prepare.

I want to make sense of your dream!

Taking a deep breath, Hua Zhen calmed himself down.

He went to the bedroom and pulled out a box from under the bed, filled with sports equipment like ping pong paddles and badminton rackets—a gift from the sports club president when he graduated.

That's it!

He found a metal baseball bat inside.

Sturdy and heavy, it could shatter a shinbone with a full-force swing.

Hua Zhen calculated that even with frugality, the food at home would last just over a week.

Thus, he resolved to venture out in search of supplies.

Since the authorities had advised citizens to remain indoors awaiting rescue, the streets were deserted.

This moment presented the optimal opportunity for scavenging.

Otherwise, waiting until weakened by hunger to seek food would be akin to a starving dog searching for scraps beneath the outhouse.

As Hua Zhen grasped the baseball bat, he paused, noticing his hands had paled, revealing the blue veins beneath.

What was happening?

Was this the result of days without nourishment?

It then dawned on him that he hadn't eaten in half a month.

Yet curiously, he felt no significant hunger.

Suppressing his doubts, Hua Zhen decided to first assess the situation outside.

He peered through the peephole cautiously, then cracked the door open just enough to ensure the hallway was empty before stepping out.

Below was a convenience store, stocked with food and drink.

Across the street lay a pharmacy, from which he could procure common medications for unforeseen needs.

If he moved stealthily, careful not to disturb any zombies lurking in the shadows, surely he would be safe?

Hua Zhen proceeded with utmost slowness, making no sound as he headed toward the staircase.

However, as he neared the stairs, he heard an unconscious growl emanating from around the corner.

It was too late for Hua Zhen to hide.

As the sound reached him, a female zombie with a drooping head emerged from the staircase, instantly spotting Hua Zhen in the corridor!

He recognized her; she was his landlady.

A meticulous woman, yet kind-hearted enough to donate food to the orphanage.

This ordinarily decent landlady now charged at Hua Zhen with a guttural roar.


Her speed was uncharacteristic of an elderly lady.

Agile and forceful, as if every ounce of strength in her leg muscles was being fully exerted.

A fierce, bloodied visage.

Distorted running posture.

And the ferocity of a ravenous beast.

Everything about her sent adrenaline surging through Hua Zhen.

He gripped the baseball bat tightly, teeth clenched.

The landlady was a good person, but she was dead now.

Standing before him was merely a bloodthirsty zombie.

Seizing the moment, Hua Zhen swung at her head with all his might.

But in that instant, the landlady abruptly ducked and veered, evading the powerful strike.


Hua Zhen's heart contracted in shock.

Not only could she run, but she could also dodge attacks…

Were zombies this agile?

It was well-known that a bite from a zombie was as good as a death sentence, even if one managed to escape.

Why bother continuing? It was time to restart.

Just as Hua Zhen thought it was the end for him, the zombie brushed past him, heading straight for something behind him!

"Ahhh! No, please! Die, die!!"

Screams erupted from behind Hua Zhen.

Turning, he saw a middle-aged man at the door of his apartment, wielding a fruit knife in terror, stabbing frantically at the landlady who was biting down on him.

What… what was happening?

When had this man appeared?

Had he been silently following Hua Zhen?

The man's neck was missing a chunk of flesh, and it was clear he wouldn't survive.

Hua Zhen didn't waste this precious opportunity and dashed back into his apartment, swiftly closing the door behind him.

He gasped for air.

Then, he hurried to the bathroom to check for any suspicious wounds.

In times of high stress, the body secretes adrenaline, which can numb the sensation of pain, sometimes delaying the realization of injury.

After a tense and thorough inspection, Hua Zhen breathed a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, there were none.

But why hadn't the landlady bitten him…

Could it be that he possessed a constitution that zombies ignored?

If so, he was incredibly fortunate!

Just as joy began to swell within Hua Zhen, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror.

And then, the smile vanished from his face.

For in the mirror was a visage pale and eyes clouded, crisscrossed with a dense web of blue veins… the face of a zombie.