Chapter 13 Incomplete Brain Development

At that moment, the other survivors also greeted Hua Zhen.

Hua Zhen responded to each in turn.

His gaze swept over the six survivors before him, including Li Shurui.

In total, there were two men and four women.

All were young adults in their twenties, among them a couple.

After exchanging greetings with Hua Zhen, they took out their phones; some read novels, others browsed the internet for news, and a few attempted to contact their families, to no avail.

Among them, no one looked like a middle school student.

That is the son of the woman from the pharmacy, who had been gnawed by zombies beyond recognition.

Hua Zhen remembered the woman saying her son had a fever earlier that day, which was why she had gone out to get medicine.

Though autumn had just begun, the temperature here was not cold.

And yet, why was he the only one with a cold?

Hua Zhen was concerned about this detail.

The first step in turning into a zombie after being bitten is a fever, presenting symptoms similar to a cold.

Hua Zhen had no obligation to save the survivors here.

However, for the sake of the self-heating hot pot and Li Shurui's decent character, he was willing to extend a helping hand.

This was because the chubby middle school sophomore was just like his mother; she would throw dirty water from upstairs, and the boy would throw dog feces into people's windows.

Once, when Hua Zhen caught him in the act, his cries quickly summoned his mother, whose shrill voice filled the building, grating like nails on a chalkboard.

Hua Zhen wanted to call the police, but the neighbors anticipated the woman's dramatics upon their arrival and tried to mediate.

Hua Zhen resolutely chose to dial 110.

But the brat lay on the ground, crying and wailing like a giant baby, leaving the police at a loss. Hua Zhen, in a hurry to get to work and avoid a scolding from his boss, let the matter slide.

That evening, he found the lock to his home glued shut with superglue.

Hua Zhen never forgot that incident.

If the boy was indeed infected, Hua Zhen would be more than willing to send him on his way.

If not, he would begrudgingly do the same.

A reunion of mother and son in the afterlife would be quite fitting.

Previously, societal rules prevented Hua Zhen from taking action.

But now, things were different.

After eating the self-heating hot pot, Hua Zhen sought out Li Shurui.

He was currently peeking outside from behind the rolling shutter door, where he could see the ticketing corridor. Previously, there were seven or eight zombies there, and he had not seen them leave for days.

Hua Zhen's arrival indicated something to him.

It was likely that the zombies had wandered elsewhere; otherwise, Hua Zhen would not have arrived unscathed.

"Do you need something? Just so you know, we don't have extra bedding. You'll have to sleep in the seats and hold out for a few days until the rescue arrives. I heard they've already set up quarantine zones online."

"Didn't you say there was a child here? I haven't seen him."

"Oh, he's probably playing with his phone in the projection room. There are outlets in there."

"Alright, thanks."

"Do you need him for something?"

"No, just wanted to confirm the headcount."

"Well, be careful with that kid. He has a foul temper and swears a lot, acting as if everyone owes him money."

"I figured as much."

With that, Hua Zhen headed to the projection room.

There, behind a computer desk, on a plastic stool against the wall, sat a chubby boy in a blue and white school uniform, about 160cm tall and weighing 160 pounds.

He barely glanced up when someone approached.

Upon recognizing the person, the boy's expression turned to surprise, followed by a slight panic.

After all, he was facing someone he had previously wronged, and without his mother's presence, his bravado faltered.

Still, he feigned indifference, muttering loud enough for Hua Zhen to hear.

"Tsk, what a pity you weren't bitten by a zombie."

"What game are you playing?"

Hua Zhen pretended not to hear and leaned in with a smile to take a look.

The boy's phone screen was smudged as if he had just finished working with machinery, his fingers coated in greasy dirt as he swiped across the screen.

He was playing a 2D action game featuring beautiful girls.

His chosen ID was "Handsome and Wealthy Husband," fitting Hua Zhen's imagination.

Seeing the boy remain silent, Hua Zhen asked, "By the way, where's your mother?"

"None of your damn business, get lost!"

"She didn't run outside and get eaten by zombies, did she? Is your mother dead?" Hua Zhen said with a grin, "I suppose she must be dead by now, otherwise you wouldn't be wearing such a sour face."

The boy smacked his lips, shifting his position as his belly fat quivered slightly.

"If she's dead, she's dead. I was just about to spend 648 in the game. I know her password, and now no one's nagging me!"

The boy spoke with a hint of smugness in his tone.

"648, huh? No supervision, that's great. Orphan life must be nice," Hua Zhen mused.

The boy was dressed in his school uniform, but his pants had been swapped for loose pajama bottoms, the tag still attached, likely to cover a bite wound.

Hua Zhen only needed to wait for the right moment to turn into a zombie, without needing to inspect the wound, to know whether the boy had been bitten.


The boy's end was near.

The only person in the world willing to protect him had been devoured not long ago.

And yet, he was celebrating her death because it meant he could recklessly spend 648.

Such is the spice of life!

"Hey, did you spend money on those female characters in your game? But why do they have connections with other men in the story?"

"No way, what are you trying to say? They have their own lives, okay? Do you even understand what bonds are?"

"So, what are your plans for the future?"

Hua Zhen lowered his head, flexing his fingers.

"You have your own life too, right? I mean, aside from these digital distractions, do you have any other bonds?"

"Are you stupid? They already said the rescue team is coming in three days. Just follow them then. Can you stop bothering me? I'm grateful!" The boy grew impatient, "I'm still trying to play my game here!"


The phone fell to the ground, and the boy's cheek made intimate contact with the wall, blood and saliva spraying onto it.

"It seems you still don't understand, just like someone whose brain hasn't fully developed."

Hua Zhen retracted his kick, leaving the dazed boy on the floor.

"Now standing before you is someone you've wronged with your filthy deeds, and I'm quite irate. And that shrew who would make a scene to defend you isn't here. So now I'm really curious, what are you going to do?"