Chapter 15 Do me a favor

Subsequently, Huazhen devoted an entire afternoon to sifting through the documents she required.

Once assured of their correctness, she left them suspended there, unattended.

With such a volume of data, even the mall's internet speed necessitated a considerable duration for download.

It wasn't until 7:30 in the evening, as night descended, that Li Shurui gathered the survivors to distribute the evening's rations.

The meal consisted of three pieces of milk chocolate per person, totaling 200 grams, four pork floss buns weighing 150 grams, and a can of 250ml carbonated drink—sufficient to satiate hunger.

Yet, the plump boy appeared somewhat discontented.

He approached Li Shurui with dissatisfaction, "Why is today's portion so meager? How can this be enough to fill one's stomach?"

"Due to the need to conserve food," Li Shurui explained, "I've calculated that our remaining supplies will last approximately seven days. By reducing portions, we might stretch it to ten."

"Are you an idiot?" the plump boy retorted with a look of disbelief, "Considering rescue is expected in two days, why keep so much food?"

"Mind your language, young man," Li Shurui replied sternly, "Conserving food is always the prudent choice; we cannot be certain that rescue will reach us in two days."

After Li Shurui spoke, a girl also voiced her opinion.

"Exactly, we've been overlooked by previous rescue attempts. What makes you think we'll be selected this time? What if something goes awry? Are we to starve?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Indeed, managing to stave off hunger is fortunate enough; don't dream of a full belly."

The others chimed in agreement.

"It's all because you're too scared to go to the rooftop," the plump boy taunted, arms crossed, "Had you dared to venture out, we might have been rescued already."

"You little rascal, you foul-mouthed fool, why don't you go out yourself? The zombies outside are not akin to turtles; with your repulsive fat, you'd likely be caught and devoured within five meters! You disgusting shut-in, while everyone risked their lives gathering supplies, you hid here playing your foolish anime games! You gluttonous swine, perhaps eating less and shedding some weight might give you a chance to escape the zombies!"

Her words were sharp.

But they were an unavoidable truth.

The girl's outburst surprised everyone.

Huazhen could see it coming.

It seemed the girl had harbored considerable resentment towards the plump boy, suppressed only by his shrewish mother's presence.

Now that the mother was gone, the girl's inhibitions vanished.

Old grudges and new grievances erupted into a verbal onslaught.

The plump boy was no pushover.

As the saying goes, "A crooked beam leads to a skewed frame."

With such a shrewish mother, it was inevitable that his language would be tainted.

Expletives and even more unsightly profanities spilled from his mouth as naturally as breathing.

The girl's fury reached its peak, and she looked ready to fight.

The plump boy initially recoiled.

But seeing the girl restrained by others, he became more brazen.

His vulgar tirade was of a sort that would embarrass even the most hardened street thugs.

His mocking gestures, and clapping hands while hopping about, were reminiscent of the quarrelsome posture of rural women in backward areas.

The enraged girl, held back by several people including Li Shurui, was not playing favorites. She clutched a folding knife, threatening to kill the "disgusting fat pig," her body tensed in genuine anger, her strength considerable.

"Calm down, we shouldn't get angry over such people!"

"And you, shut your foul mouth!"

Although everyone was furious with the plump boy, no one wished to escalate to manslaughter.

Moreover, the boy's ability to twist the truth was nearly as adept as his mother's. If they were rescued, being falsely accused would be a loss too great.

Their hopes for rescue, concerns about their environment, and worries for their families… these thoughts occupied their minds.

Thus, these days, they yielded when possible.

In the face of the apocalypse, survival was paramount.

Huazhen thought them somewhat naive.

He understood their reluctance to bear the responsibility of striking a child.

But even if they slaughtered the plump boy and fed him to the zombies, who would be held accountable if they remained silent?

Ultimately, they had lived comfortably for too long, their mindset yet to adapt.

Huazhen could empathize; after all, they were still young. Aside from Li Shurui, the others appeared a few years his junior, likely still in university, lacking significant life experience. Hence, they were involuntarily subdued by the shrew.

In this light, the plump boy and his mother were rather fortunate.

Had they encountered someone even slightly temperamental, the "little fat pig" and his mother would have faced more than just a beating.

The plump boy's voice grew increasingly shrill, his expression smug.

Until Huazhen retrieved a kitchen knife from his backpack, approached him, and slapped his face with the broad side of the blade.

The dull thud of metal against bone echoed.

The plump boy spun like a ballet dancer, his teeth flying out.

"You've disturbed me; if you don't want me to chop you with this knife, keep quiet."

The plump boy immediately fell silent, clutching his face, daring not to utter another word.

Huazhen turned to the others: "See, that settles it. No need to fuss over a quarrel with a brat."

The crowd quieted down, eyeing the kitchen knife in Huazhen's hand.

The blade was stained with dried blood, uncleaned.

"Then, you must give me my mother's share," the plump boy stammered, "She might still return…"

The girl glared at the plump boy.

"Get lost! Your mother sneaked out without locking the door, nearly killing us all! She's probably dead outside already, what need has she for food?"

At these words, the plump boy's expression turned vicious.

But as he opened his mouth to retort, the look from Huazhen silenced him; he obediently took his food and headed towards a seat facing the screen.

Having eaten plenty at noon, Huazhen merely consumed two pieces of chocolate, storing the rest in his backpack.

After dinner, Li Shurui found Huazhen in the projection room, searching for any precious resources or games.

"Hey, brother, do you have a moment?"

"What is it?"

"I need your help with something."