Chapter 17 Start taking action

After finalizing the plan, Li Shurui gathered the survivors.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have an important announcement," Li Shurui began with gravity. "We have been trapped here for a fortnight, missing several rescue attempts. We cannot afford to miss the next one."

"Missed? It's more like you were too cowardly to venture out, you wimps," muttered the plump boy from the corner.

The others ignored him.

This was the first time Li Shurui had convened the group since fortifying the projection room, so everyone awaited his serious business.

A bespectacled girl tentatively raised her hand, voicing her concern about the perilous plan.

"So, with zombies outside—not the slow, sluggish kind from games—what shall we do?"

"There is a way. Starting from the staff lounge window, we can make our way to the rooftop," Li Shurui explained the strategy.

That is, under the cover of darkness and without lights, they would use noise to lure the zombies, fetch ladders from the furniture store, and others could seize the opportunity to gather supplies.

Li Shurui exchanged a knowing glance with Huazhen.

Understanding the cue, Huazhen stood and assured them:

"Do not fret. The premise for your departure is that the ringing of a mobile phone will attract enough zombies downstairs. This task will be undertaken by the security guard and myself."

"Then, upon initial success of the plan, we will notify you via mobile. Of course, I have no right to demand any of you to venture out, and likewise, those who do not participate in gathering supplies will have no claim to them afterward."

Huazhen reiterated the rationale he had previously shared with Li Shurui.

"Rescue is vital, but so is planning for the future. I understand that life is precious and the zombies outside are terrifying, but without supplies, even if we reach the quarantine zone, we will soon face a shortage."

"You must be aware by now, that this infection has not only affected us but has plunged the entire world into the same predicament. Once supplies dwindle, we cannot rely on international humanitarian aid."

"Think carefully, everyone. If Li Shurui and I, who undertake the most dangerous tasks, remain unharmed, what danger could you possibly face? In conclusion, the choice is yours; we coerce no one."

After Huazhen spoke, the others exchanged glances, some visibly shaken.

While they trusted the authorities, Huazhen's points were valid. How many supplies could a hastily constructed quarantine zone hold?

Once supplies were allocated, they would need to send out search parties.

If manpower was insufficient, might they be conscripted into search teams, facing the threat of zombies?

The first to speak up was a girl who had previously quarreled with the plump boy, named Ren Qingli.

"Fine, I agree. As long as I get a share of the scavenged supplies, I have no objections. After all, if you front-runners aren't bitten, I have nothing to worry about."

With her leading the charge, the others gradually consented to the plan.

All except the plump boy.

"I'm not going. I don't want to go out there. If you're keen on dying, leave me out of it."

As he spoke, he continued to play his game, the sound of a neon-anime girl's coquettish voice grating in the silence of the projection room.

Ren Qingli's forehead vein throbbed.

This deadweight had been the one to lament missing the rescue due to not venturing out, and now, as they prepared to move, he was the one claiming it was a death wish.

This infuriating oaf truly lived up to his nature, utterly repulsive. Just as Ren Li was about to berate the plump boy, Huazhen walked past her and, with a grab of the boy's collar, tossed him from his seat like trash.

"Everyone else has a choice, but you must go."

"Why should I, just a middle schooler?" the plump boy protested. "How is this different from pushing me into the fire? You're committing murder!"

"Even being born doesn't excuse you," Huazhen retorted coldly.

"Let's just not share any supplies with him," Li Shurui whispered to Huazhen, suggesting they ignore the boy lest others take issue with the 'voluntary' aspect.

"No, they won't."

Huazhen approached the plump boy and yanked down his sweatpants.

Beneath the quivering flesh of his legs was a wound, the skin around it reddened and encircled by black scabs, showing signs of a mild infection.

The others recoiled at the sight.

"He's infected!"

"Look at that wound!"

"Damn, this is cursed!"

The plump boy, usually brash and domineering, panicked at the genuine hostility from the others and hastily defended himself.

"No, it's not a bite. I accidentally fell from a chair in the projection room while watching a film. Look, it's a cut, not a bite!"

But no one believed him.

Ren Qingli seized the moment to suggest expelling the infected nuisance.

Her proposal quickly gained support from the others.

They had long been irked by the boy, and now, as a potential mutant threat, they were eager to cast him out.

Even the usually amiable Li Shurui entertained the thought.

After deliberation, the group decided to banish the plump boy.

His pleas and cries for mercy fell on deaf ears.

After all, his mother was already dead.

Li Shurui knew the boy had no wound when he arrived; it must have been recent. Although uncertain if it was zombie-inflicted, in these times, even the slightest chance of mutation meant no tolerance for his presence.

Especially since the boy and his mother had already proven so contemptible, having a history of stealing supplies. It wasn't impossible that he had been bitten by a zombie in the fire escape.

Yet, it was Huazhen who stepped forward.

"Enough, quiet down. I ask you, does anyone know how long it takes to mutate after a zombie bite?"

"We don't know. It was chaos here, who would bother to remember such things? By the time we came to our senses, we had been here for two or three days," Li Shurui admitted.

"So, we can't confirm if the plump boy will mutate, right? Therefore, he must join us. The more people we have, the more supplies we can carry."

"But what if he mutates and bites someone?" Ren Qingli objected.

Huazhen drew his kitchen knife.

"Don't worry, I'll handle this. After attracting the zombies, I'll move with the plump boy. That should put your minds at ease, right?"