Chapter 6 Do You Want to Climb on President Gu's Bed? (1)_1

After an hour's ride on the public bus, Jian Ran and Tang Bao held hands as they walked back into the rented apartment they shared.

The complex was located beyond the Third Ring Road, where the rent was cheap and the environment was decent. Although the apartment was simple, it had two bedrooms and one living room, providing a cozy home for the mother and daughter.

If this was four years ago, Jian Ran would never have imagined that she, a daughter of a prestigious family, would end up living in such a humble place.

Unexpectedly, in just four short years, everything had changed. She had lost her virginity to an unknown man, her mother had disappeared, her father had lost his appeal and the sentence had become final, and a "bun" had appeared beside her, tying her down with marriage as well.

Seeing Jian Ran zoning out, Tang Bao pouted her lips, her delicate eyes brimming with laughter.

"Mommy, what are we having for dinner tonight?"

"Hmm, you have handsome guys to look at, do you still need to eat?"

Bewildered by Jian Ran's words, the little girl bit her lip.

"Hmm, of course, I need to. One is for my spiritual nourishment, and the other makes me even cuter."

"Mommy, I'm so cute, could you really bear not to feed me?"

Jian Ran: "..."

Alright, Little Tang Bao had completely defeated her.

"Hmm, just sit obediently on the sofa, I'll go and cook."


Jian Ran hooked the corner of her lips and then rolled up her sleeves, heading toward the kitchen.


Little Tang Bao's short legs swung on the sofa as she watched the music festival. When Tfboys appeared, she immediately cheered.

"Awesome! Fans will support you forever..."

"Sigh, I wonder when Daddy will show up. I'm so cute; Daddy must be even handsomer than the idols."

Hmm, Daddy, Tang Bao misses you so much.

Mommy said… Daddy is as handsome as an idol.


After they had finished dinner, Jian Ran carried Tang Bao into the bathroom. After the bath, she helped the little one lift her shirt and injected insulin into her stomach.

Watching the little one's face turn pale with pain, her lips trembling, Jian Ran felt her heart cut like a knife, as she struggled to steady her shaking hands to complete the injection.

"Hehe, Mommy, it doesn't hurt at all..."

"That's wonderful..."

During the injections, while adults usually found it difficult to bear, she told her every time, with a smile, that it didn't hurt.

Jian Ran couldn't help but getting teary-eyed, curving up the corners of her lips.

"I got the job today, so tomorrow I'll reward you with a Tfboys poster!"

"Thank you, Mommy."

Jian Ran planted a kiss on the little girl's cheek, then carried her into the children's room and coaxed her to sleep in her arms.

"Mommy… love you."

"Good girl, I love you too."

Jian Ran watched the little girl fall into a deep sleep in her arms, then kissed her forehead.

Because of the tough early stages of her pregnancy and one blow after another, the little one had always struggled in her womb.

Tang Bao was born with Type 1 diabetes…

Therefore, she needed expensive insulin injections daily.

Two years ago, Jian Ran had accepted a million from Gu Mochen, not only for her father's appeal but also partly for Tang Bao's condition.

Diabetes has always been considered a disease of the wealthy. Gu Mochen's million had long been spent, and she had already started working part-time while in her senior year of university.

For Little Tang Bao, she had to become a permanent employee at the Gu Family company. Thinking of this, Jian Ran tiptoed out of the room, turned off the light, and headed to her own bedroom, throwing herself into the design plans for Dongheng International.
