Chapter 12 Adultery_1

In the restroom:

The tension between the two was palpable, an undercurrent of hostility swirling.

"I'm well aware of my place, President Gu. I'll go out first. I'd appreciate it if you could wait a bit longer before leaving; I fear that coming out one after another might lead to misunderstandings."

The implication was clear: they were nothing more than strangers with titles, a president and an employee. She had detached herself even more thoroughly than he had.

Having said that, Jian Ran headed straight for the restroom door without giving Gu Mochen another glance.

Gu Mochen's eyes darkened, a hint of a smile playing on his lips as he watched Jian Ran's retreating figure, deep in thought.

Jian Ran's work eclipsed that of everyone else in the design department.

To be fair, she had a natural talent for design.

Moreover, she conducted herself with dignity, neither arrogant nor subservient. She was a wolf in sheep's clothing, a clever person who could keep her composure.

Choosing such a person as Mrs. Gu had indeed been a wise move.

Nothing more than strangers with titles, she had detached herself even more thoroughly than him.


Three days later, at the departmental internal meeting inside the conference room, Lan Xing said in an indifferent tone, "Congratulations to Jian Ran on her design being selected by the company to compete for the Dongheng International design project. Jian Ran has only been with the company for 10 days and is now eligible for full-time employment. Let's give her a round of applause as encouragement, and other interns should learn from her example."

Jian Ran responded with a slight curve of her lips, thinking that with this month's full salary, she could take Tang Bao to the amusement park.

"Thank you, I will continue to work hard and appreciate the help my manager has provided in both my work and personal life."

Jian Ran's flattery was well-timed; no one likes to strike a smiling face, hoping that Lan Xing would stop targeting her.

Lan Xing snorted lightly, feeling angry yet helplessly faking goodwill at the sight of Jian Ran's natural beauty.

"Jian Ran, even though your work has been selected by the company for the competition, it's not guaranteed to be chosen by Dongheng International. So, for tonight's social event with Dongheng International, as the designer, you must properly convey your concepts to the company," Lan Xing warned.

Jian Ran felt a tingle of apprehension. She had no fondness for the word "socializing."

Since when did designers need to socialize?

Clearly, Lan Xing was intentionally giving her a hard time.

"Manager, I..."

"If the negotiation goes south and we lose such a big contract from Dongheng International, Jian Ran, you may have been made a regular employee, but you could just as well pack up and leave," Lan Xing threatened.

Jian Ran: "..."

No, that's not an option! She wouldn't find another company like Gu Family with such high wages. Jian Ran pursed her lips, then spoke with neither humility nor arrogance,

"Yes, Manager, I understand. I'll get ready."

"Good, you are dismissed."

That's more like it, Lan Xing thought, not believing that she couldn't handle Jian Ran.

Lan Xing's eyes glinted with a sinister light, her lips curling into a sneer.

The young master of Dongheng International, Qin Mu, had reportedly suffered heartbreak in his youth and found his greatest pleasure in toying with women.

Jian Ran was fresh meat, and according to men's nature, when faced with a beauty, they would naturally want to devour her.


After the meeting was adjourned, Lan Xing was the first to leave. Some of the department's senior employees who had long been suppressed by Lan Xing looked at Jian Ran with concern and sympathy.

"Jian Ran, be careful tonight."

"Thank you, I will," Jian Ran replied with a smile, her brows slightly furrowed with worry.


Before leaving work, Jian Ran called Aunt Li, asking her to pick up Tang Bao after school and to take him for his insulin injection. After making sure everything was properly arranged, Jian Ran took a deep breath and willingly got into Lan Xing's car.

On the way there, Lan Xing repeatedly emphasized how important Dongheng Group was as a major partner of the Gu Family, and how they could not afford to offend them.

Jian Ran knew full well that Lan Xing was warning her.

This woman...

Before, she had thought she was just a social climber, but now, she seemed somewhat malicious.

The workplace is a battlefield, and people's hearts are unfathomable.


As she entered the reserved private room, Jian Ran's expression changed slightly when she clearly saw the man in front of her who managed to wear a black suit with a rakishly casual air.

It had been 4 years, and the man had never changed, nonchalant about the world, standing out from the crowd like a crane among chickens, always the center of attention like a moon surrounded by stars, the perfect image of the Crown Prince.

She had not expected the person in charge of Dongheng International to be Qin Mu.

Qin Mu, having grown up in a large courtyard, had practically grown up wearing the same pair of trousers as her.

And there was Han Siming as well! It could be said that all three had grown up together wearing open-crotch pants.

Jian Ran bit her lip, almost wanting to turn and flee the next instant.

Qin Mu's casual gaze drifted toward the door and when it stabilized on Jian Ran's face, his expression changed.

A slender waist, a perfect professional suit, a familiar face, only the beautiful eyes were no longer as lively as before.

"Jian Ran..."

Jian Ran: "..."

He had recognized her.

The next moment, the man's tall figure stood up and then, pushing aside the women beside him, he strode rapidly toward Jian Ran. His large hand clutched her wrist tightly, as if afraid that if he weren't careful, this woman would slip away from his side.

"Ranran, where have you been all these years?"

Jian Ran: "..."

4 years ago, the Jian Family was in trouble. Jian Anguo was accused of embezzling public funds, arrested, and put in prison; Jian Ran's mother disappeared without a trace, and Jian Ran herself disappeared after taking a break from school.

He had spent four years searching for her with great difficulty.

Jian Ran's wrist was tightly gripped by Qin Mu, and the man's strength made her frown in pain.

Almost instantly, the attention of the people around them was focused on Jian Ran and Qin Mu.

What was going on here?

They were having an affair!

Lan Xing was stunned into speechlessness, standing there in complete disbelief.

Who on earth was Jian Ran?


"Qin San, you're hurting me."

Qin San was the nickname she had given Qin Mu because he was the third child in his family.

Realizing she had called him by his childhood nickname, Jian Ran subtly struggled to free her small hand from his grip.

"President Qin, hello, I am Jian Ran from the design department of Gu Family. The work I submitted for Dongheng International's design competition is 'Artisan's Heart.' Please give me your guidance."

After speaking, Jian Ran proactively extended her right hand.

Upon hearing Jian Ran's words, Qin Mu narrowed his black eyes slightly. Jian Ran had changed.

In the past, her eyes would shimmer with vivacity and a smile, but now they were calm like still water, without any ripples.

After all, whoever it was that had fallen from the clouds to the depths of the valley, whose once solid home had been shattered, and who had been abandoned by everyone, wouldn't have an easy life.

"Ran girl, you've lost weight."

Qin Mu extended his fair right hand, not to shake Jian Ran's hand, but as he had done when they were children, he pinched Jian Ran's cheek. His action caused Jian Ran's eyes to move slightly, her eyes to redden, and the tears that had gathered at the corners of her eyes to be forcibly held back.