Chapter 15 I Only Beg You to Be Childish

Qin Mu's voice was neither too loud nor too soft, audible to everyone else in the private room.

Jian Ran, hearing the sound of the others taking sharp intakes of breath, pursed her lips and leaned closer to Qin Mu, lowering her voice.

"Qin Mu, must you be so childish?"

"Of course, Jian Ran, I'm only childish with you."

Jian Ran: "..."

Jian Ran, every single word I say to you is serious.

Jian Ran, I'm only childish with you.

Jian Ran's face turned somewhat pale, a warm current rushing over her heart. When they were younger and impish, Qin Mu climbed trees and collected eggs for her, only to get stung by a wasp nest to the point of being unrecognizable.

Because she wanted to see the ocean, he insisted that rowing a boat from the canal by their house could reach the Pacific Ocean. The result was a capsized boat and to save her first, he stayed in the water, soaked, and ran a fever for days.