Chapter 18 Thank you Mr. Gu for the undue praise (1)_1

The space's color palette should not exceed three, which is a cautionary reminder given to every aspiring professional designer.

Jian Ran chose to start here for two reasons.

First, this issue is the most fundamental; if made, the error must be sternly punished. Second, Jian Ran was certain that Lan Xing would only pay attention to the design sample when reviewing the design diagram and not notice the color matching in the corners. Sure enough, she fell into the trap.

Jian Ran hooked the corner of her lips, watching Lan Xing's face turn dark with rage, and continued to speak.

"Gu Family has clear rules against plagiarism and perfunctory submissions by designers. Manager, you've been working for so long, became numb to it, and taking it lightly is human nature... If you apologize to Mr. Gu, this might just blow over, after all, you are the manager and have been with Gu Family for some time."

"You… Mr. Gu… I…"