Mrs. Gu, It's Up to You Now (2)_1


Jian Ran: "..."

As expected, Tang Bao didn't take it well when she heard Qin Mu mention leaving the group. Where else could she find such a handsome guy to be the vice leader?

The duo, one big and one small, used a combination of coaxing and tough tactics, and Jian Ran quickly gave in.

"Fine! Just this once, and never again."

"No problem!"


The next day at noon, it was indeed a servant's nature. Today, without any calls from Gu Mochen, when it was time for lunch break, Jian Ran arrived at Gu Mochen's office carrying takeout boxes and a gift box.

Knocking and entering, the man's lips curved into a pleased smile, his gaze moving away from the clock. Jian Ran, very punctual.

Yeah, hungry.

"Mr. Gu, your lunch."

Jian Ran heated the lunch in advance and brought it over to Gu Mochen, pressing her lips together.

"Also, this, I cannot accept it, sorry."

Having said that, Jian Ran placed the gift box she was holding in front of Gu Mochen who narrowed his eyes slightly.