Chapter 56 Jian Ran I Can Only Eat the Food You Cook (1)_1

Qin Mu continued to speak, but Jian Ran couldn't take in anything else. Seeing this, Qin Mu couldn't help but swear to himself for being such a busybody.

Yet, if he didn't tell her and let her prepare mentally, Qin Mu couldn't stand watching Jian Ran get so thoroughly devastated by Han Siming's sudden appearance.

After Qin Mu left, Jian Ran's body slid powerlessly down the wall, then she curled up in the corner, hugging her knees.

Han Siming, he was back!

A bitter smile curled the corners of Jian Ran's mouth as she struggled to suppress the tumultuous waves inside her heart.

After 4 years, things had changed, and there was no going back.

Perhaps Han Siming still thought that it was she who had betrayed him back then.

The hidden stories of the past, Jian Ran no longer wished to speak of them now.


Jian Ran went to bed in a daze and woke up clearly out of sorts, with her feet in severe pain, which is why she appeared at Gu Family with dark circles under her eyes.