Chapter 113: Is it a Sister-in-law or a Brother's Wife? 2 more updates (2)_1

After he spoke, Gu Mochen headed straight for the restroom.


Jian Ran nibbled on the Black Forest cake in front of her, her whole being devoid of appetite, merely swallowing mechanically.

Her phone in the bag began to ring; Jian Ran fumbled to pull it out, revealing a message from Gu Mochen.

Madam Gu, I'll be waiting for you by the restrooms.

Jian Ran: "..."

A single address as Mrs. Gu turned Jian Ran's face pale, aware of Qin Mu's gaze on her. She locked her phone in a fluster, murmuring softly,

"Qin Three, I'm going to the restroom."

"I'll accompany you..."

"It's fine, I used to come here a lot as a kid. I know the place; I can go."



Jian Ran took a deep breath and walked towards the restrooms, her small hands interlocked together.

Since all the guests were in the living room, there weren't many people in the direction of the restrooms.

What was bound to come...

always comes eventually.

Jian Ran knew there was no avoiding it.