Chapter 121 Mrs. Gu is Jian Ran Update 2(2)_1

"Hmm, I might end up kneeling on the washboard."

After saying that, Gu Mochen's fine ink-black eyes subtly glanced toward Jian Ran next to him, his implication clear.

A stir went through the crowd.

"Emma, so that adorable Zodiac Tiger was created by Mrs. Gu, my goodness... It's a marvel, so lifelike! Mrs. Gu is really amazing, to think she's a designer!"

"Old Master Qin is really something, having Mr. Gu attending the birthday banquet and even the renowned Mrs. Gu is here to celebrate his longevity. I wonder where Mrs. Gu is? Has she arrived?"

"Tsk tsk tsk, spending a fortune for a beauty, Mr. Gu truly indulges Mrs. Gu so much, I'm so envious."

Jian Ran felt a chill in her heart as she listened to the ceaseless chatter of the women next to her.

It was true that Gu Mochen had not disclosed her identity in public, but now, Han Siming and Qin Mu were well aware.

Jian Ran did not dare to look at the expressions on Han Siming and Qin Mu's faces.