Chapter 129 Marital Fun Seeking First Subscription (1)_1

In the carriage:

Jian Ran's heart was pounding nervously nonstop. At this moment, she was straddling the man beneath her, keenly aware of the low pressure emanating from his body.

As well as the intense heat from his body now cooling down rapidly.

Jian Ran knew... she was the one killing the mood right now.

There wasn't a single man who could tolerate hearing the woman in front of him repeatedly claim that this wasn't her first time, especially not at this moment.

Especially since... this woman was his wife. It was an immense insult to him coming from her.

But... Jian Ran had been pushed to this point. If she didn't speak up, Gu Mochen's demeanor made it clear he was ready to devour her whole.

She was willing to be Gu Mochen's wife in name for the sake of money, but that didn't mean she was willing to climb into his bed for it, to really do anything with Gu Mochen.