Chapter 163: Do You Want to Be Mrs. Gu 1 More (6)_1

It's all about flirting and seducing, especially trying to seduce the most powerful man in Yuncheng City, Gu Mochen.

"Jian Ran, let's talk."

"Sorry, I'm quite busy, my schedule is quite full, and I have several design drafts to draw up."

With a faint curve of her lips, Jian Ran ignored the woman's expression and continued, "Manager, don't you often teach us to work hard and not to have other thoughts during work?"

At this point, Jian Ran playfully blinked her captivating eyes, looking very charming.

Lan Xing: "..."

Lan Xing was somewhat infuriated, and she looked at Jian Ran in front of her with annoyance.

"Jian Ran, what's with your arrogance? We all know what's on our minds—aren't we all just trying to climb into President Gu's bed and become Mrs. Gu?"

Jian Ran: "..."

Damn it, Jian Ran really wanted to curse.

With which eye did she see herself wanting to climb into Gu Mochen's bed?