Chapter 216: Would You Like to Be My Daddy? Update 1 Seeking Subscriptions (5)_1

Jian Ran didn't dwell much on Gu Mochen's first reason and asked, "What's the second?"

"The second is quite simple... I do want to have a child with you, sooner or later... So, announcing it ahead of time isn't a big deal."

"Sorry, I just forgot to add an important reason, I really want to have a daughter with you... I haven't thought about a son yet, but the Gu family also needs an heir, so maybe we'll have a son later."

"Well, the reason the daughter won't inherit the Gu family is that I don't want her to work too hard, I hope she can grow up adored by us."

Jian Ran: "..."

She really has thought of everything.

And takes everything, big or small, into consideration.

Even including future matters.


In all of this, Jian Ran really wanted to curse. What does this have to do with her?

And he's even specific about wanting a daughter...

How could there be a man like Gu Mochen in this world.