Chapter 220: Would You Like to Be My Daddy? Update 1 Seeking Subscriptions (9)_1

Teacher Wu was somewhat discombobulated.

"Mr. Gu?"


"Is it Boy's signed photos?"


"Emma, I'm also their die-hard fan. Could I possibly... I really like them so much, am a huge fan, just really like them so much. My ringtone, the music during our class study time, and even our exercise music, it's all their songs. I like them so much."

Gu Mochen: "..."

Now he somewhat understood why Tang Bao became a fan of idols at such a young age.

Gu Mochen listened to the woman on the other end of the phone suddenly speak shrilly. He tugged the corner of his mouth and cleared his throat.

"Hmm, how many people are in your class?"


"Alright, understood. I'll prepare 40 photos, one for each child. My daughter... 6 photos."

"Understood, received... Thank you, Mr. Gu... You're really too handsome to have friends."

"Hmm, regarding Tang Bao, if there's any special situation and you can't contact her mom, you can get in touch with me directly."
