Chapter 262: A Bachelor and A Widow Take a Hot Spring Bath Together 2 More(4)_1

Yet this man carried himself with the ease of clouds and a gentle breeze, acting as if the matter did not concern him.

Jian Ran's lips twitched in disdain for Gu Mochen's indifference as she watched the trajectory of his golf ball flying beautifully through the air, before it landed on the green and rolled towards the hole.

Jian Ran: "..."

That shot, undeniably, was quite impressive for Mo Chen.

Though the ball didn't go into the hole, it stopped right at the lip.

Jian Ran's expression shifted slightly, her heart suddenly feeling half as cool.


Mo Chen's golf ball had blocked the hole, making it even more challenging for her own ball to go in.

Unless she could hit her ball over his, or knock his ball away from the hole, and get her own ball closer to the hole.

Or, sink her ball into the hole.


"Great shot, Mo Chen, you're really amazing."

The other executives couldn't help but praise Mo Chen upon seeing his shot.