Chapter 769 The Only Reliance


The tide slapped against the shore.

In front of the Fishing Tax Office, the Salamander shook its head, raising a hand to scrape the foam from its eyeballs.

The entire sea merchant team had neither the azure nor the pink Eight-clawed clan.

The onlooking villagers had already started discussing.

"That's how it is, Lord Liang," the octopus moved its tentacles as it explained the whereabouts of Hai Yun while trading goods, "At the beginning of the year, the Eight-clawed King sent fish to the South Sea to negotiate with the Demon King and opened up a new trade route. It's taken very seriously, so Hai Yun personally took charge of this matter, and that's why she couldn't come to Jiang Huai this mid-year."

"So that's it!"

Liang Qu's face showed sudden understanding.

It indeed seemed unlikely that Hai Yun would be taken prisoner arbitrarily, creating an extra Eight-clawed that knew secrets.