Chapter 938: Six Desires Heaven, Lifebound Buddha

Thirty thousand Floating Steps.

Facing each other, killing intent surges.

At high places the cold bites deep, the brown short fur is blown apart, dancing chaotically in the wind.

The knot unties.


The bundle lands heavily on the ground.


The yellow robe is carried off by the wind.

Otter Kai bows and strides forward, Scarface pushes his paw out.

Everyone holds their breath.

The murderous aura freezes time; broken grass tips stick to the steps, trembling without end.


The broken grass scrapes along the stone steps and departs, cutting in like a knife, breaking the silence, snapping the tight strings.


Scarface dives and pushes off the ground, sweeping downwards.

Otter Kai gathers his strength and leaps, charging upwards!

Heaven and earth suddenly collide!

Whiz whiz whiz whiz!

Figures intertwine, and loose fur flies.