During the reign of Emperor Yao, the great flood reached the heavens, overwhelming the mountains and valleys, causing great distress among the people.
The emperor asked, "Alas, four mountains, the great flood reaches the heavens, overwhelming the mountains and valleys, causing great distress among the people. Is there anyone capable of managing it?"
Everyone said, "Gun is capable."
Thus, Yao listened to the four mountains, appointed Gun to manage the water. After nine years, the water did not recede, and his efforts were fruitless. When Shun ascended, he took over the emperor's duties and went on inspection tours. Seeing that Gun's efforts in managing the water were ineffective, he had Gun executed at Yu Mountain.
Gripping the hoe in his hand, Liang Qu calmed his chaotic thoughts and looked towards the young man panicking due to the flood: "What do you call me?"
"Ha ha." The young man, panting, swallowed his saliva, "Gun!"