Chapter 954 Bodhi Island


Huai Kong presses his palms together.

"How freely detached."

Feng Ying and Qu Zhaoxue both shake their heads.

"The words of Dashun Xingyi Bo are comparable to a Buddhist verse, encapsulating the essence of life, truly worthy of the Ninth Buddha!" Ji Zui Bo from Heavenly Blade Tomb exclaims, "However, due to different life paths and individual characters,

these words are too peaceful and gentle for me. Despite the number of emotions they evoke, they do not lead to sudden realization, but they are indeed perfectly suited to cultivators like Brother Yuan who are naturally detached."

Liang Qu can't help but chuckle.

A verse, in this context, is a chant from Buddhist sutras, abbreviated from 'gatha'.

These represent reflections on sutras or epitomes written from realizations during meditation practice.