"Master Dixian, what's happened?"
Yang Dongxiong sensed something was amiss.
Dixian remained silent, merely gesturing towards the heart of Heart Monkey Lake.
In the center of the painting, where it was once hazily colorful like a Heavenly Human at leisure, Liang Qu's eyebrows were now tightly knitted, teeth clenched, the raised side of his face no longer composed, contorted as if he were a wrathful Vajra.
The next moment.
Streams of fresh blood seeped along his spine and spread open like the wings of a blood butterfly.
Long Binglin clenched his fists, Long Eying's graceful brows met, and Xu Zishuai and other bystanders were shocked to their core.
According to Dixian, grasping one's Lifebound Buddha is dangerous, a battle of mental fortitude and will, with failure leading to erosion or prolonged decline.
Physical injury, though, was unheard of!
"Roar, roar!" Little Star Ape was startled, fleeing through the snow.