Chapter 47 Hard to Persuade a Dead Ghost_1


Just then, Wang Haikun walked over, with Wang Yuzhu following behind him.

Seeing the shovel in Wang Yuzhu's hand and the basket on his back, Qin Niu understood everything.

"Ah Niu, I told you to send a few baskets of fertile soil from the mountains. Why is it so troublesome? My uncle said that yesterday you dawdled until evening before you delivered it to my field, and you had an unwilling look on your face the whole time. Do you think I can't afford to pay you or what?"

Wang Haikun cursed and swore, glaring with a pair of bull's eyes.

He probably also feared being called a thief behind his back by the villagers, so he shouted especially loud.

Pay me?

Didn't see a single copper coin.

Moreover, Qin Niu's humus was selling for fifty wen a basket. Even Wang Furen was reluctant to spend that money, let alone someone like Wang Haikun who was tightfisted to the extreme.