Chapter 64 Ant War_1


Upon arriving at the trunk of the Ancient Banyan Tree, Qin Niu didn't bother with pleasantries, he chopped with his knife and the blade sank nearly three inches deep into the wood.

The dark green Banyan Tree Blood immediately began to flow out.

He took out a large jar to collect the blood.

To harvest three to five jars of it would leave him worry-free for at least a couple of months.

The flow of the Banyan Tree Blood was initially fast but gradually slowed down. The tree had a strong self-healing ability, and its wounds were rapidly healing.

Qin Niu forcefully chopped several times, enlarging the gash on the body of the tree and cleverly creating a vertical channel to ensure the tree blood flowed smoothly into the jar.

After filling one jar, he didn't stop. He made several similar cuts in different directions, enough for five large jars to collect blood.

The Ancient Banyan Tree's heart must be on the verge of collapse.