Chapter 66 Blade Qi_1

He felt a secret joy in his heart, suspecting that his cultivation level had broken through the first stratum of commoners.

He had read some warnings in books, advising that one should neither become excited and relax nor become arrogant right after breaking through to a new realm, because the new level of cultivation was still very unstable.

There was a high risk of falling back to the previous state or even suffering from cultivation deviation.

That would indeed turn joy into sorrow.

Just like when a Termite evolved into a Grade Two Lightning Worker Ant, its movements were slow.

Only after adapting slowly and waiting for a while could it move swiftly.

Qin Niu dared not relax, having long yearned to advance to the second stratum of commoners. Now that he had succeeded, he must ensure stability and consolidate this new realm.

As he continued his cultivation, the strengthening of his lungs proceeded as well.