Chapter 107: You Won't Die If You Don't Seek Death_1

The jade pendant in his hand was crescent-shaped, and as Qin Niu stared intently at it, he felt as if there were specks of green luminescence twinkling and moving inside. Just like the stars in the sky, they would appear and disappear intermittently.

This Miss Tang, driven by love, was truly frightening.

To give away such a valuable item just like that.

And she had forcefully thrust it into Qin Niu's hands.

Emerging from the back courtyard, he prepared to see off the Tang siblings. After all, both deserved respect and courtesy.

"Qin Niu, get the hell out here!"

Rude cursing came from outside the house.

Qin Niu was slightly startled. Wang Haikun, that scoundrel, had been taught a lesson by him last time and had been quiet for just a couple of days. How had he become so bold again so soon?

Given the confidence in that voice, it seemed he had brought back his brother from the city.