Chapter 125: The Whole Village Catches Bugs_1

Their mandibles had obviously become much thicker, but they were still much weaker than the Grade Two Green Ring Worker Bees.

The wings had turned green and became corpulent and wide.

They flapped powerfully and vigorously.

The six-legged pollen brushes and the pollen baskets on the hind legs had both become stronger, greatly surpassing ordinary Worker Bees.

No other significant changes were observed for the time being.

Upon inspecting the bee colony's attributes, he indeed discovered that there were five new types of bees.

Grade One Giant Wing Worker Bee: five specimens, lifespan of 5 years, special abilities (can fly fast over long distances, pollen gathering efficiency +50%, moderate biting force).

Their abilities were obviously far weaker than those of the Grade Two Green Ring Worker Bees.

Their flying speed was also fast, but slower than that of the Grade Two Green Ring Worker Bees, and their maneuverability was much poorer.