Chapter 176 The Side of a Petty Woman_1


Recently, it's truly been a period full of troubles!

First came the floods, closely followed by a plague of insects, and the large families within the city are likewise restless.

Qin Niu could feel that it seemed a terrifying storm was about to arrive. Common folk merely wanted to get by with food and warmth, indifferent to these major events.

His strength had increased, yet it was very difficult for him to remain uninvolved.

With greater strength came more benefits, and this indirectly tied him deeper to the Black Tiger Gang.

All the rich and powerful, it seemed, did not wish for anything to happen to the Black Tiger Gang.

Otherwise, their good days would come to an end.

If the Black Tiger Gang were to be destroyed, the common folk would certainly be affected, but the most severe impact would undoubtedly be on the elite class.

In any dynasty, those who were in charge were never the common folk but the elite of society.

Power was held only in the hands of a few.