Chapter 180: The Powerful Medical Ant_1


Qin Niu had cultivated the Medical Ant into a Grade Two Termite, but he never had the chance to test its healing abilities.

Now was the perfect time to try.

Leading the ant colony back to the Ant Nest, Qin Niu summoned the Medical Ant.

"They're injured, can you heal them?"

Qin Niu asked the Medical Ant.

It crawled to the poisoned termites and examined their condition with its antennae.

"This is a paralytic toxin, but it's treatable!"

After speaking, it began to treat Fourth. It bit into Fourth's neck, slowly creating a wound.

Then it seemed to suck out the poison from Fourth's body.

Its originally white mouthparts gradually turned black.

Fourth's condition visibly improved at a noticeable pace.

Moments later, Fourth had completely recovered.

The mouthparts of the Medical Ant had turned completely black, shiny from the change.

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I just need a little time."

After speaking, it slightly raised its head and remained motionless.