Chapter 183: Not Afraid You Won't Take the Bait_1

Pulling the rope, the pre-arranged trap was activated simultaneously.

He couldn't create complex devices, just a simple hunting device.

A large net was flung over from behind towards Old Master Huang, while a bamboo-woven cage from underground opened, releasing a swarm of yellow bees.

Old Master Huang instinctively dodged backward, a series of rolls showcasing his impressive agility.

In his hand, the Serpent-shaped Sword was slashing out an impenetrable screen of blades.

Qin Niu watched in secret with a sense of trepidation.

He had thought to overpower the other with his cultivation and martial skills, but now it appeared that not only were the insects powerful, but the mastery and martial skills of the man himself were also daunting.

Such a formidable enemy was truly a nightmarish existence.

The Insect Jar containing the three bee generals had been swiftly pulled from the ground by Qin Niu, quickly brought into his hands.