Chapter 208: Grade Four Demon Ant VS War Demon Ant_1

One mountain cannot contain two tigers.

Both sides were rare species among the termites, belonging to the cream of the crop.

Neither would easily submit to the other.

Qin Niu watched the two Demon Ants face off against each other like an emperor observing two of his great generals in a dispute.

If it were the art of balancing power in the eyes of an emperor, this would be a good thing.

If there were no treacherous officials in the court, only loyal ones, the emperor's throne would no longer be secure.

But the current situation was different!

He was their master, and the termites had no conflicts over power or profit. Pets generally have a simple mind; they pursue survival and growth.

They didn't care much for power.

Every termite in the colony was equal.

The weak submitted to the strong and followed the commands of the strong, such were their social rules.

"If you must fight, then fight! No need for a fight to the death, just determine the winner."