Chapter 211: Water Control_1

After killing two experts from the Nine Insect Gang, his pouch swiftly swelled up with loot.

Old Master Huang contributed over thirteen thousand taels, and this inner disciple named Wu Hao contributed 1950 taels, adding up to fifteen thousand taels. Coupled with the seventeen hundred taels he earned from treating that medicinal herb for the Fang Family, his fortune was rapidly approaching twenty thousand taels.

Though there were some expenses afterward, he still had over sixteen thousand five hundred taels remaining.

He felt like every member of the Nine Insect Gang was plump with wealth.

He didn't consider that to become an inner disciple or an Executor, one would already be superior among men; how could their wealth be meager?

At that moment, he was eagerly waiting for the sound of hooves to emerge once more.

Approaching the third watch of the night, sudden commotion arose from the front courtyard.

The sound of flowing water was loud and clear.