Chapter 217: Invisibility Talisman, Universal Map_3

From the old man's words, it couldn't be deduced that he had only created this one invisibility talisman.

This high-level talisman had already ventured into the realm of Immortal Techniques; the materials and craftsmanship involved must be against the natural order.

Being able to create just one was already a stroke of great fortune.

It was also apparent that this old man had considerable skills.

"Bei Bing, thank you for your kindness and friendship, goodbye!"

Qin Niu nodded in gratitude and then strode away.

Qin Niu never easily owed favors to others.

But once he did owe a favor, he would surely repay the other party tenfold or even a hundredfold.

When Wang Wanyan had given him some food, meat pies, and pork at a time when he was short on provisions, Qin Niu had long since repaid her a hundred times over.

Following the old man's directions, Qin Niu really did find an unmarked small shop at the tail end of the market.

There was no signboard, and the entrance was low.