Chapter 228: Entering the Green Demon Forest_1

Listening to the meaning of the second brother's words, even the merely formidable wild bees in the mountains possess night vision capabilities.

The real Green Demon Bees must be even stronger.

Even if it's just an original Green Demon Bee, it must be an extremely terrifying entity.

Qin Niu brought 20,000 termites this time, more than 4,000 of which had the ability to control or attack the mind, and he also prepared an Advanced Contract Talisman. He was quite well-prepared and naturally would not settle for just catching any ordinary wild bee.

Heading out from the inn with the basket on his back, the street was indeed even busier than he had anticipated.

There were people browsing the night market everywhere.

There were also more stalls than during the day.

Everyone seemed to prefer the trading atmosphere shrouded in the cover of night.

Perhaps they felt it was more secretive, making it easier to purchase some 'black market items' that were hard to obtain during the day.