Chapter 259: Breaking the Maze_1

Faced with such a strange situation, Qin Niu decided to wait for the right opportunity to make a move.

Sure enough, Master He Shan's voice rang out once again.

"Qin Niu, be very careful with the few Taiyin Yaoyao you have captured. They can easily escape in this kind of environment."

This time, Qin Niu didn't hold back.

He immediately employed the Misty Rain Elusive Step and dashed toward the source of the voice, unleashing a strike with his sword.

The dazzling Blade Qi tore through the mist ahead.

The slash actually had a ripping effect. Although it was not possible to rupture space at present, tearing through the mist in front was quite easy.

The thick mist that blocked the view was instantly torn open, creating a fissure about thirty to forty feet long and three to four meters wide.

With the light of the Blade Qi, Qin Niu caught a glimpse of a white insect that vanished in a flash.

It was very fast.

With a bend of its body, it shot out.