Chapter 267: Teammate Like a Pig Leading to Doom_1

It seems that burning them with fire is quite effective.

Because the more anxious it gets, the more serious the damage it suffers.

As the half of the Taiyin Yaoyao in this jar gradually got roasted, the other half of its body trapped in another metal canister was suddenly enveloped in a wisp of ash-grey mist.

Qin Niu sensed something was amiss.

He quickly put that canister over the fire to roast as well.

Under the intense fire, the ash-grey mist dissipated bit by bit. This half of the Taiyin Yaoyao also began to desperately struggle and move around.

Its body underwent some changes in a very short time.

At the cut wound, there were signs of healing, and the body seemed to be shrinking.

An old shell appeared on its surface.

Was it trying to molt and transform into a new, whole life?