Chapter 364: The Onset of the Poisonous Gu_1

Last time when Ah Niu eradicated the He Family, he obtained a very good cultivation technique called Dragon Elephant Art.

This technique is mainly used for combat.

Xiao Qing had already cultivated the Medicine King Sutra, while the techniques cultivated by Tang Cai Xian and Wang Wanyan should be quite ordinary. Switching to high-level techniques was also a good way out for them.

Because their current cultivation levels were still quite shallow.

"Does my husband have any techniques suitable for women to cultivate?"

Wang Wanyan asked with interest as soon as she heard this.

Though her family background was not bad, the techniques she could afford to buy were basically ordinary ones costing around a dozen silver money per copy.

A little better than what one would find at a street stall.

One could ensure that they were buying the genuine technique, and they were written by Acquired Realm experts who had achieved a small degree of success in their cultivation.