Chapter 15 The Most Troublesome Choices_1

Just like Mages, Psychic Sorcerers also have several specialized branches.

There are six basic psychic power sects: Psychic Prediction Sect, Psychic Creation Sect, Psychic Transformation Sect, Psychic Self-Sculpting Sect, Psychic Teleportation Sect, and Psychic Enchanting Sect.

This choice of specialization is very important, especially in the early stages of a profession.

Because the sect chosen at the professional level will synchronize deeper with the Magic Network.

The Magic Network itself is a vast network of information and will infuse the basic knowledge and skills of the specialized profession into the synchronizer during the process.

It can turn someone completely ignorant of the field into an expert within a matter of months—compared to ordinary people, they are just beginners when compared to high-end professionals in the same field.

Especially for Magicians who explore their own potential, this is even more important, as they don't have as many channels for obtaining knowledge from the outside world as Mages do.

In terms of Psychic Sorcery, Gaven was a complete outsider, so he naturally took extra care in making his choice.

To say it's not important is because the information provided by the Magic Network is only the most basic. To reach the true pinnacle of the profession, a lot of external learning is required, especially some unique spells, and not even Magicians are exempt from this.

As Gaven's thoughts concentrated on the introductory information of the six basic psychic power sects, it surged through his mind.

The specialists of the Psychic Prediction Sect are known as Insighters, skewed towards the discovery of prophetic special abilities or the collection of intelligence in various ways. Gaven ignored this option outright. As someone reborn, his foresight surpassed that of the gods, choosing the prediction sect seemed like a waste, and prophetic spells weren't that miraculous anyway—often providing only fragmentary information that might not even be accurate and could backfire. He had been frequently fooled by prophecy spells in his past life and had little regard for them.

Specialists of the Psychic Creation Sect are known as Creators, skilled in extracting star material or other substances from the Starry Realm to create semi-solid or solid items, capable of creating weapons or armor as well as animated constructs. This approach is similar to summoning methods and is not Gaven's preference. Felen is not lacking in golems or constructs, many of which can be bought and sold; there's no need to waste his professional choice on this route.

The specialists of the Psychic Transformation Sect are known as Manipulators —similar to the Shaping System of Mages— proficient in the transformation of various energies and materials, using the most ferocious magic attacks. This option sounded good as it reminded one of a walking human cannon on the battlefield, but the problem was, having delved into psychic powers, it seemed somewhat regressive to go back to playing Mage again.

Specialists of the Psychic Self-Sculpting Sect are known as Shapeshifters, who can manipulate their own metabolism and that of nearby organisms to achieve healing, and also transform into powerful warriors. When Gaven saw this option, it piqued his interest; self-healing and alter ego disguise seemed very practical and useful for his subsequent plans.

Specialists of the Psychic Teleportation Sect are known as Spirit Travelers. As the name implies, they are adept at planar transportation, freely entering and exiting planes such as the Ether, Shadow, and the Starry Realm. However, the issue is that these powerful abilities are usually accessed later, likely available when one can cast fifth or sixth-level special abilities. Early on, they don't offer much help, as spells can achieve similar results.

Specialists of the Psychic Enchanting Sect are known as Mind Transmitters, which is a typical branch of psychic magic spells. When one thinks of psychic powers, the first idea that comes to mind is to control others, to destroy their will. Gaven's self-created Psychic Blast should align with this series, and it is quite appealing.

Gaven hesitated a moment between the Self-Sculpting Sect and the Teleportation Sect, eventually choosing the former, opting for the profession that would be more helpful to him in the earlier stages as opposed to the middle and late stages.

In Felen, the paths for professionals become wider as one progresses, with more choices available. Even if the professional's own abilities are insufficient, they can use a variety of powerful Magic Artifacts, even Divine Artifact, to enhance themselves.

Conversely, the initial stages, especially before level ten, are the most difficult.

One should not assume that just because Gaven could fight alongside Zalanda, plunging into the Hobgoblin army as if in a land without people, he could swagger through Felen.

If one harbors such a notion, death is not far away.

To put it this way, Goblins and Hobgoblins still fall within the category of normal creatures.

But when you face those abnormal beings, with their strange spell-like abilities, racial abilities, and innate talents, you come to realize just how dangerous this world can be. Many high-end professionals have perished at the hands of weaker monsters.

As Gaven made his choice, a vast amount of magic power surged from the Magic Network once again, this time not merely to transform his body but as a massive flow of knowledge that entered his mind directly, carrying an extensive array of Psychic Sorcerer knowledge.

The methods of practicing and using basic special abilities.

How to enhance one's concentration.

How to perform autohypnosis to deeply excavate one's psychic power.

How to organize one's soul consciousness to form Psychic Power Points for conveniently utilizing psychic abilities.

How to use psychic power for healing.

How to use spiritual energy to control oneself.

How to discern spiritual consciousness.

The basic knowledge points about spiritual energy.

This series of knowledge made Gaven's head buzz painfully.

No wonder they say that the spellcasting profession is the most difficult to pursue, as it's based on a vast amount of learning; even with the convenience of knowledge inheritance from the Magic Network, it would take at least a year or more to fully digest and utilize such an immense body of knowledge.

Gaven could only start by learning the most useful key points for the time being.

The first thing Gaven began to learn was neither how to excavate and cultivate special abilities, nor to organize soul consciousness to gain Psychic Power Points, but about how to hypnotize himself.

Because he still had in mind to leave Zalanda an unforgettable parting gift before he left.

After much thought, the Martial Arts Seven Books seemed the most appropriate.

If autohypnosis still proved futile, Gaven would have to temporarily abandon this plan and wait to recall and blend the information into his own writings later on.

There were no hypnotic clocks, counting sheep, or any other kinds of self-relaxation methods.

The method of autohypnosis obtained from the Magic Network involved intensely focusing the will and repeatedly recalling a certain event.

This was somewhat similar to the previous methods he had tried to increase the chances of dreaming.

However, this time, Gaven felt distinctly different from before; his thoughts and the surrounding Magic Network began to tremble. As the frequency of the tremors got closer, the event Gaven was recalling became clearer and clearer, until it was as vivid as if it had just happened yesterday.

And this was only the beginning. Soon, Gaven was pulled into the very day, hour, and second of his memory, and he even had a miraculous third-person perspective. Not to mention the information in the book he was focusing on at the time, even the details that he had overlooked in his surroundings were all vividly in view.

What was this self-hypnosis?

This was damn well a scenario reenactment spell!