Chapter 32 Kidnapping_1

That's right.

The Anna before him was the one he knew, marked by her healing spells with side effects, which had always been her most significant label.

In his past life, he had even promised her that he would help her find a solution, but before he could accomplish this, he watched her get devoured by the Arcane Catastrophe right before his eyes, vanishing into endless nothingness.

This time, I will definitely find the root cause of what is missing in your spell.

Gaven resolved in his heart.


Vick screamed in agony, waking up from his unconscious state.

Crack! Crack!

Two sounds of bones snapping followed.

One was from the leg that Anna had just reset, which had broken again without a need to touch it to know.

The other sound came from Vick's chest; his continuously hunched body miraculously straightened up—the congenital hunchback disease of the Goblin race had been cured.