Chapter 38 Using Food as Bait_1

"Get up, everyone, get up." Seeing them look so pitiful, Gaven felt a bit reluctant to torment them any further.

"Thank you, esteemed sir, woof." Gos hurriedly spoke, "Whatever instructions you have, esteemed sir."

"Just 'sir' will do," Gaven pondered briefly before continuing, "Send someone to gather some firewood. Let's cook first and have something to eat. After that, we can discuss other matters."

This was a delaying tactic. The other side had surrendered too quickly, disrupting Gaven's original plans, so he needed to devise a new strategy. It gave him time to ease the atmosphere between the two sides and at least allowed him to understand the situation with Blackwell.

"Go fetch the firewood!" With a wave of Gos's hand, the Gnolls scattered in all directions, filling the hills with their barking.

Seeing this, Gaven immediately regretted it—what if this was the enemy's delaying tactic?

These Gnolls, once they ran off, might never return.