Chapter 40 Gos's Little Scheme_1

"An Ogre, a powerful Ogre. He's as tall as that tree over there, with arms thicker than your thighs, and a voice that booms like thunder. He says his name is Hou…" Gos tried hard to describe the Ogre's imposing build.

"An Ogre, or an Ogre Shaman?" Gaven seemed worried that Gos hadn't understood his question, so he added, "Does he fight in close combat? Or does he use spells?"

"Close combat," Gos was quite certain, "He uses an enormous club, thicker than my waist. I've never seen him cast spells."

"When does he usually come?"

"Every ten days, usually during the last two or three days. It's not fixed; sometimes it's early, sometimes late."