Chapter 54 Spirit Crystal Servant (Please Follow)_1

On the first day, a sparse few.

On the second day, a couple here and there.

On the third day, they arrived in groups.

On the fourth day, the whole lot of them swarmed in.

There was simply no resisting the tantalizing aroma of the Blackwell Tribe's cooking.

The current Leader here was known to be powerful and kind, so if they arrived too late, they would lose their spot.

Gaven and his men naturally turned away no one. However many came, that many were taken in.

Miners were tossed to Zack, warriors to Cangya, and all other miscellaneous roles to Gos.

So far, Gaven hadn't really encountered any troublemakers.

Most of those who came voluntarily were of the lowest tiers, whether Gnolls or from other tribes.

Then there was Half-Ogre Roar, with enough intimidation to keep everyone in line. His Nodular Gnarled Club was always starving for action, eager for a troublemaker to give him a chance to practice.